The Autopsy of Jane Doe | Teen Ink

The Autopsy of Jane Doe

December 2, 2019
By Anonymous

 The Autopsy of Jane Doe proves to be an exhilarating adventure that infuses horror and drama together to form a truly bewildering thriller. The movie revolves around a father and son, who are both doctors responsible for performing an autopsy. Although the father and son have their own personal problems and kinks that need to be worked out, they both decide that it is in their best interest to put it aside as they perform surgery work on a mystery woman, who has been deemed Jane Doe, seeing as she's a female with an unknown name. If that wasn't mysterious enough, things quickly become even creepier. The father and son duo quickly realize that this person's death is beyond mysterious, and odd things quickly begin to happen that seem to frighten both of them. The lights begin to dim, flicker and eventually go out, and the only thing worse than performing a creepy autopsy is doing it without the lights on. However, things become even more creepy. Doors are beginning to mysteriously open, without having either of them open them, and the radio seems to continue changing stations and volume. This leads the father and son to come to the startling realization that this autopsy may be like nothing they have ever done before. They decide that they need to figure out how Jane Doe died and, more importantly, why, because the father and son realize there may be consequences if they are too late. 
 The Autopsy of Jane Doe is a wicked film that truly is a pure work of horror. Dark and mysterious in its entirety, the movie is able to provide compelling and genuinely frightening characters that are more than capable of terrifying anyone and everyone. Taking a concept that is simple in its premise, the movie elevates the idea of death and transforms it into something so much greater. Utilizing a rare blend of science fiction, horror and mystery, the movie is able to become a startling thriller that will scare viewers to their very core, while also pleasing them immensely with an adventure unlike anything they have ever seen before. In fact, there's a well-executed plot that brings the entire story together. 

 The Autopsy of Jane Doe may just appear to be a simple horror movie, but it is actually quite concise and cohesive. The beginning of the movie does a brilliant job of setting the stage for later events, and it also introduces key characters and concepts, like showcasing the relationship between the father and son. The middle of the movie doesn't achieve anything that out of the ordinary, but it does effectively continue to provide more elements of mystery and horror that only help to create more drama and intensity. The enticing ending of the movie then takes advantage of all of this drama, which has been conjured up so efficiently, and then takes this to create a superb conclusion that is pretty darn frightening. The actual conclusion of the movie is far from expected, and it infuses together plenty of thrilling twists and turns to genuinely surprise audiences. 

 The Autopsy of Jane Doe has an excellent and unique style that is able to bring simple concepts and drag them into a world of horror and scares to become a spectacular choice for a wide variety of viewers. The combination of the son and father as the doctors is nothing short of shear, uncanny brilliance, and there are enough horror elements to make the movie quite the adventure to behold. Without a doubt, this movie is an absolute must-see. The mysterious Jane Doe would certainly agree. ​

The author's comments:

"Well, look what she can do... if she wanted us dead. When we cut into her. She tried to stop us each time. It's like there's something she doesn't want us to find." - Austin

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