Goodfellas | Teen Ink


December 22, 2019
By Anonymous

 Goodfellas proves to be a riveting exploration of mob life that uses old and classic tropes to form a truly inspirational and fresh take on the concept. The story revolves around Henry Hill, a young man who grows up in the mob. Unlike other citizens, Henry has always wanted to be a part of the crime life, believing that they are the people that are truly respected by society. Not wishing to be a doctor, lawyer, or even the president, Henry Hill instead aspires to one day be one of the most respected mobsters to ever live. In fact, it is with this mindset that Henry first finds work for the mob, and his whole life forever changes after this. Beginning with simple and tedious work, like parking cars and delivering messages for mobsters, Henry starts the formation of a youthful and powerful relationship with some of the strongest mobsters around, and with this power, these mobsters begin to influence Henry's life so that things go his way. Henry begins to stop going to school, attending the mobsters for the duration of the entire day, and the mobsters begin to cover his back and ensure that his parents don't find out about such. As this occurs, Henry works extremely hard and becomes capable of advancing himself above his latest job to go even higher in the ranks, slowly and steadily inching closer to his dream career path. As Henry becomes even more influential and has a more substantial role in the mob, he also begins to take on larger and larger tasks, most of which he doesn't mind to complete as long as he continues to reap in the money and power that he has always sought after. Relishing in the extravagant lifestyle that he has built for himself, Henry Hill doesn't even begin to consider the potential consequences of his actions, but instead enjoys the money, power, and influence to its extreme. However, just as suddenly as Henry was introduced to the lifestyle, Hill quickly discovers that it can just as abruptly vanish. With a group of costly mistakes and a painful drug addiction, it seems like Henry Hill's entire dream might fall apart into crumbles, all before he ever fulfills it.  
 Goodfellas proves to be an exhilarating adventure that relies on drama, emotion and intensity to conjure up plenty of captivating and compelling characters that stand out for their ability to resonate with audiences. Exciting and adventurous in its entirety, the movie proves to be an action-packed film that combines all of the greatest strengths of crime films. With the balance between brutal mobsters and epic noir, the film is able to craft together a marvelous plot that flows from one focal point to the next, shaping the life of the protagonist, Henry Hill, in the process. In fact, Henry Hill's entire progression into the world of mobsters and mafia allows the film to create a sound framework that builds an even stronger structure to allow the characters on-screen to progress. It is with this brilliant framework that the movie forms meaningful characters that leave a lasting impression, and the movie's ability to reflect true people's thoughts about the mafia allows the characters' transition to become mobsters themselves all the more noteworthy. 
 Goodfellas has just about it all, and with its ability to be part thriller and part mystery, there's no denying that it is one-hundred percent incredible and mesmerizing. As two of the best hours that the cinematic industry has to offer, the movie is able to keep viewers on the very edges of their seats in anticipation for what comes next. Both capable of glamorizing and deconstructing what it truly means to be a gangster, the film captures the whole idealism and theoretical sense of the profession and transforms it into something tangible and achievable. Becoming a member of a gang is no longer considered a dream but is made a possibility for Henry Hill, which only further immerses watchers into the exciting and adrenaline-pumping world of crime and mafias. This becomes the true core of the film, and because of how vigorously astounding this can be to behold, it becomes quite easy to see why Rotten Tomatoes gave the movie an impressive 96%. As a fantastic film classic that might be some of the very best the crime genre has to offer, this is an absolute must-see. It's that splendidly phenomenal. 

The author's comments:

"As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster." - Henry Hill

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