A Christmas Story | Teen Ink

A Christmas Story

December 23, 2019
By Anonymous

 A Christmas Story proves to be a delightful and charming Christmas classic that provides all of the best elements of everyone's favorite time of the year. Taking place in the 1940s, the movie revolves around young Ralph Parker, who narrates a memoir of his past life from his adult perspective. As a scheming and plotting youngster, Ralph plans to convince his family to get him his dream gift for Christmas, an air rifle. With his plans to slowly and steadily introduce the idea of the air rifle to his parents, which is of course a Red Ryder item, instead of just any ordinary present, Ralph attempts to convince his parents to buy the only thing he wants for Christmas. However, Ralph quickly begins to discover that in the games between parent and child, the parent always seems to come out on top, regardless of the situation. It is with this painful reality that Ralph must struggle with his doting and strangely comforting mother, his angry, foolish and often cranky father, a group of tough bullies, a teacher that enjoys poking fun at him, and disappointment after disappointment. As his parents feud over a silly lamp, as his friends fight over ridiculous dares, and as his brother fights with him over eating and just about any other ordinary task in the household, Ralph Parker attempts to fight through all of his conflicts and problems in an attempt to finally make it to Christmas Day. Despite this, Ralph might just find out that there will be no way to reach Christmas with his aspirations still intact. 

 A Christmas Story is a beloved holiday classic that infuses together all of the greatest elements of Christmas movies. With the implementation of plenty of hilarious comedy, the movie is able to craft together a genuinely pleasing adventure that will have viewers laughing hysterically from start to finish. This allows the film to have a lighthearted tone throughout, and this ensures that the holiday spirit is always maintained, even when it seems like Ralph Parker is going to finally break from all of his horrendous luck. In fact, that is the true beauty of the movie: Ralph's resilience. Ralph, or Ralphie as his friends and family call him, must endure through harsh and obscenely difficult obstacles that stand between him and achieving his glorious dream. This is what results in the movie being able to conjure the truth behind the reality of Christmas, and although it may seem like nothing can go right, the film is capable of showcasing just how beautiful of a wonder Christmas can serve as. Just when everything seems capable of crumbling apart into destruction, Christmas comes along and saves the day, warming the Parker family and Ralph in the process. This capability is one of the true meanings or purposes of Christmas and also serves as the heart of why the movie has become so loved in audiences' hearts. 

 A Christmas Story may be simple in its premise, especially considering that it's solely a story about someone's Christmas, but the actual execution proves to be quite complicated. The movie takes its time in creating the layers necessary to highlight what Ralph's life is like, and this makes his journey towards Christmas all the more memorable. Ralph must struggle between bickering parents, trouble in school, and bullies, and throughout it all, Ralph refuses to give up, even though it's probably in his best interest. This makes Ralph a surprisingly captivating and compelling character that stands out for his natural charisma, which resonates with viewers of all ages. For parents, Ralph is a lovable kid that brings out the inner child in everyone, while Ralph serves as an inspiring motivator for children and teenagers alike. 
 A Christmas Story proves to be a true Christmas classic that brings out the pure beauty of the most wonderful time of the year. With the combination of heartfelt drama and laugh-out-loud comedy, the movie becomes a charming and enjoyable adventure that feels entirely emotional and personal. There's no denying the manner in which the movie has stood against the test of time to remain a perennial Christmas favorite, and it's ability to stick with watchers throughout all of these years is nothing short of remarkable. Without a doubt, this is an absolute must-see, even for those that don't necessarily celebrate Christmas. 

The author's comments:

"Fragile... Must be Italian." - The Old Man/Ralph Parker's father

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