Sky High | Teen Ink

Sky High

January 23, 2020
By Anonymous

 Sky High proves to be a delightfully charming adventure that infuses together superheroes, action, drama, and high schoolers to capture a film that terrifically balances between all of those qualities. The movie revolves around a high school that sits in the sky and is intended for teenage superheroes. Will Stronghold prepares to attend this new school, but expectations for him to succeed are enormous. Will Stronghold is the son of Steve and Josie Stronghold, who are two of the fiercest superheroes around in the entire city. This means that everyone expects Will Stronghold to be just as powerful and as good of a superhero as his parents, especially when considering that most superheroes only have one parent with superpowers. However, Will has neither of his parents' powers yet. Will isn't super strong like his father and he can't fly like his mother. Instead, Will has secretly been hiding from them the fact that he doesn't yet know if he even has powers, and this means that his parents just naturally assume that he is going to be as powerful as they are. As Will continues to hide his secret, he begins to embark upon his high school career and quickly discovers that this high school is nothing like he could have ever expected. Consisting entirely of teenagers with progressing superpowers, everyone is just trying to learn how to fit into the world as they struggle with the concepts of self-identity and the purpose of life. While at the high school, Will continues to fee like an outsider, especially because he is one of the few people there, if not the only one, that doesn't know if he has any powers. This results in Will not being considered that popular of a student at the school, and Will quickly gets placed into the classes meant for sidekicks instead of for superheroes. As Will Stronghold slowly uncovers more of the hidden truths about what it means to be a superhero, he also makes new and exciting friends in other students that show promise as future heroes. This includes classmate Gwen, who quickly shows how she has emotional and personal feelings for Will, and Will and Gwen quickly grow feelings for one another. However, as time goes on, it seems like Gwen is beginning to have ulterior motives. Will Stronghold must quickly decipher the kind of person and hero that he wants to be in the world, and as Will continues to go through high school, he begins to feel like he makes a wrong move regardless of what he does. 

 Sky High feels unexpectedly fresh and vibrant in its entirety, rushing in an epic adventure that feels dramatic, emotional, and personal in all of the ways. Utilizing the concept of high school as a vehicle to explore the lives of a world where so many different people can be heroes, the movie takes the common idea of drama existing in teenagers' lives and completely revitalizes this into something far more remarkable. Highlighting the very best of high school drama and the coolest aspects of possessing powers, the movie finds a stark balance between both worlds, providing viewers with a truly mesmerizing and lovable roller coaster ride. It's goofy, perky, and exuberantly colored from start to finish, but the real core of the movie is the real human emotion and personality that is produced amongst the main characters. While the characters themselves might be slightly simple for those that appreciate a more complex film, they are still able to become surprisingly charming and compelling.

 Sky High takes real people and places them into a world where superheroes and superpowers are normality, but the real beauty of the movie is the capability to take heroes into the real world. Part comic book and part superhero adventure, it's adventurous and easy to like throughout. It has enough innocence and youthfulness to earnestly feel captivating for those of a younger audience, and this drama is able to infuse together comedy, drama, and action to create what can only be a fan-favorite for plenty of kids and kids at heart. 

 Sky High superbly transforms into an epic adventure that has the potential to completely bewilder audiences with an eccentric and surprisingly sophisticated story. The movie begs moral questions about what it is like to live in a parent's shadow and what it means to live up to expectations. Completing reinventing what it means to attempt to discover self-identity and struggle with what it means to be a hero in a world full of evil, the movie proves to be an epically enjoyable adventure. Exciting, charming and making good fun whenever it can, this film is pure entertainment in one of its greatest forms. This is definitely a must-see. 

The author's comments:

"Are you insane?! I don't have super strength!" - Will Stronghold

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