Extraction Review | Teen Ink

Extraction Review

May 26, 2020
By abbsr BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
abbsr BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Blood, gore, and violence. These are three things that are present in the movie Extraction. Based off of the graphic novel Ciudad, the film Extraction is about a man (Chris Hemsworth), who is hired to rescue the kidnapped son (Rudhraksh Jaiswal) of an international drug lord. During the rescue however, more difficulties arise for the pair as they struggle to return the child back to his family. I didn't really have any expectations going into the movie, but I was thinking that it was going to be good because it has Chris Hemsworth as the main character and I like most of the movies that he is in.

The film is rated R and was released on April 24, 2020 and can be found on Netflix. The movie was directed by Sam Hargrave and written by Joe Russo (who is famous for directing Marvel movies). It opens with Chris Hemsworth bloodied and injured on a bridge where he partakes in a shootout. He ends up getting shot and just sits by a car, which is when the movie officially starts with the entire thing being a flashback to 2 days ago when it all started.

Most of the scenes involve violence and blood which can be a problem for some people, and there are rarely any scenes that do not contain someone dying. While I do believe that there was an excessive number of deaths in this movie, I felt as though the deaths made the movie what it is, as the movie is known for its tremendous death toll and there are very few who end up living through the entire movie.

Throughout the movie, we can see the friendship growing between Chris Hemsworth and Rudhraksh Jaiswal’s characters, and you can see how much they mean to each other by the end of the movie. I found it touching that they ended up caring that much about each other, because in the beginning it was only a job, but by the end it was much more. The movie was more than just violence and action, and it also showed that the characters could grow and that even if you are hired for something, you can grow from the job and learn to care more about others.

In the movie, the make-up and how the characters looked were able to make the movie even better. blood looked very authentic and they did a good job at making it look real. Also, when the characters were going through a lot and did not have time to look their best, the dirt and grime that they had looked realistic and you could tell that they did a good job with these things in the movie.

For me, the movie was interesting and I found watching it to be an overall positive experience that I feel as though many people would enjoy; however, I caution those who are squeamish on blood and violence because it is pretty much the entire movie. This movie is unlike other movies in the fact that the amount of violence and action is a lot higher than most other movies. Also, there is a death and even though you learn to expect it, it does not get boring after watching so many. I watched this movie because my family had previously watched it and they enjoyed it and thought that I would too. I thought that the movie was really good and I was glad that it was recommended to me and I think that others will enjoy it as well.

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This is a review for the movie Extraction

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