Intersetllar | Teen Ink


January 26, 2022
By ChenThao BRONZE, Sacramento, California
ChenThao BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Yesterday is history,
tomorrow is a mystery,
and today is a gift...
that's why they call it present”

- Master Oogway

Watching a great movie with Cinematography and Space exploration is what makes Interstellar a great movie. But the soundtrack is what makes this movie so great in one scene. There are hidden details throughout the movie scene where they get up to space. It is extraordinary to find especially when they are explained beforehand. It is an underrated movie but once you watch it, you’ll crave a part 2 or to watch it one more time.

The movie starts off on Earth where the main character Cooper and his family are living on a farm growing big batches of corn. At this time, a dust storm appeared which would start resulting in climate change happening quickly making it unbearable for most crops to grow. Cooper’s daughter Murph, would be contacted by an unknown through gravity from the dust storm. This all leads up to Cooper meeting NASA and forming a team to find a new place to live. Cooper was informed about the wormhole and space shuttle so they formed up a team of 6 which 2 were robots. And from there, the team went up to space to another galaxy, finding a new planet to live on.

I really enjoyed the emersion of seeing each character played in the movie. The movie is a rollercoaster with each character having a different interaction with other characters and the surroundings. But what I love was the Cinematography and the soundtrack. What I love the most about the soundtrack is because the music goes perfectly with the scenes and it creates a whole scenery. I searched up people doing covers for the soundtrack on piano as well and it is amazing. Everything about the soundtrack makes the movie better than it is.

This movie is great for being SCI-FI and with the director Christopher Nolan and the lead actor Cooper, I absolutely recommend this movie. The movie itself gives off a whole new perspective to what we can actually acquire in space especially on what is happening now in today’s world. 

The author's comments:

This piece has wowed me many times when watching the movie. I've seen movies but never one like this one. As I said last time, the soundtrack is very very good.

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