Baby Driver: The rating. | Teen Ink

Baby Driver: The rating.

November 21, 2022
By Ana_K PLATINUM, Nyc, New York
Ana_K PLATINUM, Nyc, New York
31 articles 24 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is impossible to break the law. We can only break ourselves against the law.

The cars. The racing. The gang.

Edgar Wright just set the bar with this fast-paced, enthralling movie. 

5 stars!

More than the movie, the sly moves, and the running, the music was certainly the sole factor that made the movie this amazing. By far, it is the best movie soundtrack I've heard, and I hear a lot of soundtracks. Yes, even Star Wars and Jaws are far behind.

The non-diegetic and diegetic music is absolutely beyond belief, every track fits the scene, sets the scene. It is the most memorable part of this movie.

Then, after all this the praise hasn't ended, its the acting.

OK WOW. Ansel Elgort did amazingly, his audition piece was so good that they added it to the film, showing how amazing he is. His attitude, personality, accent : top notch. 

Then of course, Lily James with the funky swag. She did a far better job in Baby Driver than in Cinderella, Debora certainly fitted her personality far better than a princess.

Jame Foxx scared me. I shall never watch his movies without thinking of him as Bat.

But Darling, her voice, her attitude, her power certainly added a whole new aspect and aura to this movie. A pretty little gang girl, eh?

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