A Cool Classic | Teen Ink

A Cool Classic

November 30, 2022
By 3hirschfeld BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
3hirschfeld BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A relic from 1993, Cool Runnings keeps viewers wide eyed and giggling, while teaching subtle life truths. There are unique characters, an intriguing setting of Jamaica, an interesting plot, and ingenious details; such as hidden meanings behind funny quotes. 

The film starts off by showing Derice’s passion for running, how the whole town supports him, and his hard work. Unfortunately, at the olympic trials, another competetor trips Derice (and another runner), so that everyone else has finished the race before Derice can even get off the ground. All his hard work-gone. In a moment. And he had no control. 

However, it is not over yet. Derice is determined to go to the olympics. When he finds out there is a two time gold medalist in town, he investigates more. Apparently, the medalist had a theory about using track sprinters to push a bobsled. Derice is inspired to start the first olympic bobsledding team of Jamaica, whatever bobsledding is. He puts together a team using himself; Sanca, his best friend; Yul Brenner, the other man that got tripped; and Junior Bevil, the man who tripped them. This was not his first choice, but they were the only willing Jamaicans to go sledding on ice. This last minute, unlikely gang of teammates will grow on you like a sunflower grows in summer.

The team was in Jamaica and learning how to bobsled using a long 500lb cart on wheels. The four of them fail an innumerable amount of times, sprawling over dirt road in the heat of summer. 

Once, there was a lady in their path, so Derice drove them off the path and accidentally into a police car. To our surprise, their coach is pleased with them, because they got their fastest time. They celebrate like they won the olympics. 

Some of the most popular quotes show humor and wisdom. Derice says to Sanca, after he smashed his pushcart into a stand on the side of the road, “Sanca, ya dead?”

“Ya mon,” groaned Sanca. Many viewers laugh at this; Sanca’s accent is irreplaceable. Later, when Derice is in danger, Sanca says, “Derice, ya dead?” In the silence, people wait for the answer. 

“No, man, I’m not dead.” This quote has a deep meaning for Derice, showing his determination to work his hardest no matter the circumstances. That is what he is proud of. 

Throughout all the comedy, characters face extremely unfair circumstances, and come through with a lifted chin. Failure, confidence, grit, forgiveness, brotherly love, trust, hard work, and more themes are exhibited.

This classic is jam packed full of inspiration and laughs with its Jamaican setting, plot twists, amazing cast, and hidden motifs. Don’t forget popcorn!

The author's comments:

I was happy to write about this movie, because I love it so much. 

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