Bullet Train: why you should watch | Teen Ink

Bullet Train: why you should watch

December 17, 2022
By marfri0000 BRONZE, Minneapolis, Minnesota
marfri0000 BRONZE, Minneapolis, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I believe that Bullet Train is a good movie worthy of your viewing because of the plot twists, action, and resolutions. Starting out, this film seems pretty slow. The way the characters are introduced is slowly paced. I think that pacing fits very well with the type of story this movie conveys. The feel of this film changes from comedy to action, back to comedy, action again, and eventually a serious film with lots of depth. 

Examining the movie further, we can really see the true masterpiece of film this is. The feel changes with every character. For Ladybug, it's more of an upbeat feel. Lemon and Tangerine, it's more comedic. For Yuichi, it's more of a darker feel. For the prince, it's more mysterious. And lastly, for The Elder, it's very stoic. These little bits of changes throughout the movie make it so that the personalities of each character really get across.

In terms of the CGI, it's ok. During the first half of the movie, the physics and the way all the CGI stuff looked were pretty wonky. When a car explodes, it seems like it's from a video game. It's the same for people getting shot at too. When they fall off a building, they enter spins way to fast and fall like there is no weight to them. The movie's second half is where you can see most of the budget went. All of the reflections, physics, and fire were very nice. It felt like it was more of a movie production than a videogame.

So, looking at all of this, I would really recommend this movie to you. I didn't write about everything I saw in the movie, like the stunts (which were phenomenal), but it's enough to say that this is worthy of being watched. The rating that I would give this movie is 8/10 because it's not on the level of something like Avengers Endgame or Avatar.

The author's comments:

Hi, my name is Marco. I just wanted to start writing reviews about movies because movies are a big part of my life and I wanted to share my experiences with other people. I have published a book before, it's called We're in a Pandemic: with little Timmy. I think that writing is a good way to express how you feel and that's why I'm doing this

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