Spiderman Across The Spiderverse | Teen Ink

Spiderman Across The Spiderverse

November 28, 2023
By 4fidalgo BRONZE, Paso Robles, California
4fidalgo BRONZE, Paso Robles, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I saw Spider-Man Across The Spiderverse’s first advertisement on TV, I was so excited and really looking forward to the second part of Miles Morales’ life.

A teen from Earth-1610, Miles Morales becomes the Spider Man of his universe and joins with the five other spider-powered individuals from other dimensions and stops a threat to all realities.

The story is entertaining and keeps the viewers locked in. It has plot twists, familiar characters from the past spiderman movies, and thorough background for each character. 

 Animated movies are exciting, creative, and visually stimulating. For the animators, there is no limit of freedom that their minds can reach. The artists of this movie did an amazing job with all of their characters, backgrounds, and dimensional aspects of figures and movement, because in the film there are many points of art that pops and are eye -catching. And in many of the figures and backgrounds there is so much dimension which enables our understanding of key details found in the characters' expression that reveal important parts of the plot. For example, the emotion shown on (character's name) face during (scene) reveals how important it is.

Something that surprised me was the sense of humor and dialogue. While the story was entertaining, it was also funny and cool to hear some familiar lines from different movies. They definitely made some of the lines for certain characters a bit more mature, but I feel like it gave the characters more personality. 

Since this film is based around the spiderman universe, there were many voice actors. A celebrity who I think was a great success was Oscar Issac voicing Migueal O’hara (Spiderman 2099). Issac was very fitting with the character's traits and tone of voice. We see two sides of the character. One being the ultimate leader who does anything to get the job done, sarcastic, and then another part where he has a sensitive story of events that occurred in his life. Issac was really good at showing several moods with this character and it fit very well into play with the movie. 

My favorite character is  Miles because I can relate to the struggles of being a teenager. your parents can be overwhelming and you don't want to let them down. Miles also was introduced as a 14 year old teenager who just got transferred into the best high school in Brooklyn New York in the first film, and he feels like he doesn't fit in at his new school. This is definitely a relatable chapter from my life, as last year I was a new student to Wisconsin from California. And then when I moved here it was hard for me to be social, make friends, or to even really find myself. Now, I am the happiest I've been in high school, and I'm getting to find more about myself day by day, and find new things that interest me. 

I would definitely recommend this movie because it brings a lot of creativity to young people’s minds and it brings excitement and engagement to many others who can recognize many of the other Spiderman movies and their friendly neighborhood Spiderman taking an approach in this generation's film. I think that this also can in a way catch other viewers up on some of the spidermans backstories in a short version. 

The author's comments:

This movie inspired me to start small graffiti designs. 

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