The Littlest Big Farm | Teen Ink

The Littlest Big Farm

February 26, 2024
By lily2027 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
lily2027 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Seventeen Piglets!” exclaimed John as Emma the pig gave birth to her last piglet. Seventeen piglets was an incredible amount whereas. The average commercial pig only has around eight to twelve. “The Biggest Little Farm” shows how abnormal, but incredible a biodiverse farm can be. This documentary is about John and Molly Chester, and their way of farm life. It felt as if I was walking hand in hand with John and Molly. John Chetser takes the viewer through their journey to transform dry and hopeless farmland into their marvelous biodiverse farm. As well as their many struggles, still captures them with his awing cinematography skills. 

John and Molly’s life is shown what life was like before buying the farm and documented through their journey to the point where the movie ends. John has a very unique way of capturing every moment. To create each flawless piece in the documentary, John originally worked for National Geographic. Molly was a chef who had dreamed of growing her food for cooking. Neither had much or any experience working on a farm. Molly researched many people to help them get through their set out to make 234 acres of dry, dead, and rock-hard land into their home. As I watched the movie their idea looked almost unreachable. Making this horrible soiled farm lush and organic, seemed close to impossible. 

Molly’s search to find the right person to help them through their rocky start. They met Alan York, who didn’t laugh at their idea. Alan's ideas, choices, and recommendations helped out on the farm significantly. Alan was a world-renowned expert in traditional farming practices and adored their idea of making the farm lush, organic, yet so biodiverse. Alan was determined to create an ample fruit orchard and raise cows, pigs, and chickens in harmony with nature. Yet to also “reach the highest level of biodiversity possible” Alan had repeated many times. This natural ecosystem made it such a promising, yet optimistic movie. As to help and develop Apricot Lanes farm into what it is today.

Through John and Molly's journey to create a perfect farm life, Alan always finds a solution to their struggles. One significant solution is that every animal has a purpose. One struggle is when they have wild animal problems, John and Molly raise many chickens and ducks. The coyotes or wild animals on the farm always seem to find a way to the chickens or ducks. They understand not to kill the coyotes because they have a great purpose on the farm. Such as making the gopher population go down. As they fix each of these difficulties, they sprout a new struggle that may even be harder than the last. 

John could capture many significant events with incredible cinematography, which is one of the most amazing things about this film. Watching this movie various parts of my imagination exploded as the images were created in this astonishing documentary. There are many points of different solutions in the film that would have never crossed my mind if I had not taken a step back and looked at the whole picture. 

The film conveys how abnormal this biodiverse farm is. In the movie, Alan says “You will see things that you have never seen before”. It is such a true statement. There are so many different ways of just living in the movie compared to what our world has become at the end of the movie. There is a point at the end where John states that there are 8 billion microorganisms living in just one handful of soil. This showed how the movie “The Biggest Little Farm '' is abnormal, but how incredible a biodiverse farm can be. This movie gave me so much hope for what I could do to make our planet a better place. 

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