A Dune Part Two Review | Teen Ink

A Dune Part Two Review

April 29, 2024
By greatotter64 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
greatotter64 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As far as Sci-fi movies go the sequel is normally not better than the first. as i was walking into the theater to see Dune: Part Two, I was wondering if this would hold up to be true.

with the movie being almost three hours long you would think that you would get bored or want to leave halfway through and go to the bathroom, but Dune is not like that at all. Like in the first movie you are just pulled in and don't want to leave. Just like in the first throughout the whole movie, I was on the edge of my seat just waiting for the next scene. I didn't even think about leaving. I just wanted to keep watching. I think it is attributed to Denis Villeneuve's amazing pacing of the movie. The events of the movie take place over just under 9 months compared to the first movie with everything happening in around a month.

Dune part two does a great job encapsulating the world of Arrakis and pulling you in from the vast sand dunes to Zendaya and Javier Bardem absolutely nailing their roles as Fremen and Timothée Chalamet playing an almost perfect Paul Atreides.

Denis Villeneuve also does a great job of putting you on the planet with the characters which has a lot to do with the soundtrack. Hans Zimmer did an amazing job with it adding a very needed ambiance to the film with both soft calm and mystical sounds to harsh loud and almost upsetting sounds; it does a great job separating the two main houses.

Another great thing this movie does is the visuals. just like in the first, the visual effects in this movie are great; you can really tell they took their time and put a lot of effort into making it look as realistic as possible. From using sand-colored screens instead of greenscreens to not cutting corners anywhere in the process.

Unlike most Sci-fi sequels I think it is safe to say that Dune Part Two is better than the original.

The author's comments:

wrote this for school class and I like the movie

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