Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince | Teen Ink

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

July 18, 2009
By YogaGirl SILVER, Williamstown, New York
YogaGirl SILVER, Williamstown, New York
9 articles 5 photos 59 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can clearly see you're the daughter of a mother's aunt's grand-mother's uncle's father's grandaughter's daughter."~~~ "Wouldn't that make me a poptart?!"

HEY!!! This is a spoiler, so if you intend to stay uninformed, this is not the thing to read!!!!

Harry has always struck me as a heart throb. Now... not really. But I LOVED this movie. It follows the story line exceptionally well, as most of the series does. Despite what I've heard, it IS action filled. As always, the special effects are amazing. WARNING: There is a VERY quiet scene towards the end. It's a part where you'll feel your heart pounding... and then.... RRRRRAAARRR!!!!! Well, more like splash, but something scary pops out and everyone jumps. It almost like the people in the theater were doing the wave =D

I was disappointed that Hermione and Ron weren't more close at the end. Still, it was very nice to see the LOVE in this. The suspense... God, it was unbearable! I was practically sitting on the edge of my seat when Ginny and Harry were about to 'snog'. But then it was interupted (watch the movie and thou shall see), ruining the romance. (I was so devastated.)

Let's just say the movie was magical, shall we? ;)


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on Aug. 25 2009 at 2:23 pm
KinseyLlama BRONZE, Hoover, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
To the world, you may just be one person, but to one person, you may just be the world.

Nice! That scene WAS scary..