New Moon | Teen Ink

New Moon

November 26, 2009
By MusicLover2012 SILVER, Beloit, Kansas
MusicLover2012 SILVER, Beloit, Kansas
6 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nathaniel Ayers: Beauty is art; music is beauty.

Nathaniel Ayers: You can't hold down angels.

Steve Lopez: A year ago, I met a man who was down on his luck and thought I might be able to help him. I don't know th

'It will be as if I never existed.' come the fated words from Edward Cullen's lips. Thousands of teenage fangirls gasp, although most of them know the story already. This was the setting on not only Thursday night, but Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. As hundreds lined up to see the movie, hundreds of others did not. The movie itself raked in a phenomonal $140.7 million dollars in the first three days alone, with $26.3 million on Thursday night and $72.7 million by the end of Friday night, with another $118.1 million coming in from around the globe.
But was the movie worth all the hype and glamour? Was it worth getting up early on a Sunday morning or having an adreniline hangover on Friday at school? To several thousands of fans, the answer to thos questions is YES!
When I went to see the movie the one thing that I was looking forward to was seeing Taylor Lautner shirtless. THere were very few things that I disliked about the movie. For one, there were a few spots where they didn't follow the story-line very well. But then again that's to be expected when writing a screenplay from a book. One fo the things that stood out to me the most was that in the BOOK if I remember correctly, Jessica and Mike were a 'thing'. In the movie they weren't. So when Mike asked if Bella wanted to go to the movies I was a little shocked. I was also upset that Taylor and Kristen never got kiss! Every time they got close, something came up that wouldn't let them. My favorite part was when Bella and Jacob were hanging out all the time. I don't have the kind of friends that I could do that with so being able to see it happen in the movies and read about it and act as if I was Bella made it worthwhile to me.
MY male classmates thought the movie was a waste of their time, but the femme-fatals thought it was absolutely amazing and I have to agree. My oldest sister is in her thirties and she was upset with the ending. But the again, who could forget the famous line, 'Bella, will you marry me?'


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