Inglourious Basterds | Teen Ink

Inglourious Basterds MAG

February 25, 2010
By Walker Smith BRONZE, Victoria, Minnesota
Walker Smith BRONZE, Victoria, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Inglourious Basterds” has been hailed by many critics as Quentin Tarantino's greatest achievement. This is quite an honor since Tarantino has given the movie world films such as “Kill Bill,” “Grindhouse,” “Reservoir Dogs,” and “Pulp Fiction,” all ahead of his time when his genre was not popular. Unlike his previous blood-fueled movies, “Inglourious Basterds” is in a category by itself.

“Inglourious Basterds” is about eight Jewish-American Special Forces soldiers who invaded Nazi-occupied France before the American liberation. The ragtag group of both city slickers and back-country rednecks is cast with unknown actors but headed by star Brad Pitt as Lieutenant Aldo Raine. Using guerrilla warfare, Raine and his group wreak havoc on Nazi troops throughout France. Their goal is to end the war ­before the Americans enter and kill Hitler. On their path for bloodthirsty revenge, the “basterds” brutally smash Nazi soldiers' skulls and carve swastikas in prisoners' foreheads.

Although this may sound like a non-stop senseless killing movie, Tarantino shows a wit that was lacking in previous films. Not only does he create humor in tense situations, but he also uses twists in other ­moments.

Tarantino provides strong, intense dialogue in tense situations, which creates suspense and gut-churning emotion. Where Tarantino once placed a murder or shooting, he replaces it here with wit or an unfamiliar scene change to keep viewers on their toes throughout the two-and-a-half-hour movie.

Although this movie is long, it is worth seeing. In other WWII movies, the ending is the same as depicted in history half a century ago. However, Tarantino provides an unexpected twist in the final suspenseful moments. This once again separates “Inglourious Basterds” from other war movies.

A brutal film that combines fiction and fact, suspense and emotion, this is a sure buy for the teenage male. As a viewer you can only imagine yourself in some of the scenes with long dialogue, making you and the audience become part of the ­situation.

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This article has 1 comment.

jewjourn said...
on Mar. 2 2010 at 4:29 pm
Great article<br />
Two days after this year’s Oscar nominations were announced, Quentin Tarantino’s “Inglourious Basterds ” — a film about a band of Jews who kill Nazis — screened for an audience of Holocaust survivors.<br />
It was at the Museum of Tolerance, and the director himself sat quietly in the third row. This was probably his thousandth screening, and on this night he seemed more interested in the crowd than in his film.