Shutter Island Descrpition | Teen Ink

Shutter Island Descrpition

February 26, 2010
By mcrfhgirl4ever GOLD, Henderson, Nevada
mcrfhgirl4ever GOLD, Henderson, Nevada
11 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Imagine a king who fights his own battles. Wouldn&#039;t that be a sight?&quot; -Brad Pitt as Achilles in Troy<br /> &quot;Do you love me because I am beautiful, or am i beautiful because you love me?&quot; -Unknown

Dark skies, rainy weather, one institue, and one Deputy Marshall. This only sums up half of the movie Shutter Island staring Leonardo DeCaprio. Leonardo plays a Deputy Marshall who is assigned to investigate a missing person from the insane assylum Shutter Island.
Soon Leonardo finds that's everthing is not as it seems on Shutter Island. Hallucinations of his wife and one o his children haunt him day and night. Memorys from his part on the liberation of Nazi concentration camps haunt him to. Could this all be real or just a figment of his imagination?
This movie is a series of twist and turns and a muse see for all fans with the love of dark and mysterious movies.

The author's comments:
I saw this with my mom thought it was awesome and wrote about it. Enjoy! :)


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