The Blind Side | Teen Ink

The Blind Side

May 22, 2012
By Brrookkeee SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Brrookkeee SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
~"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."
~"Be the change you wish to see in the world"
~"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything!"
~"That which does not kill us makes us stronger."

“The left tackles job is to protect the quarterback from what he can’t see coming. To protect his blind side,” says Leigh Anne Touhy (Sandra Bullock) as she tries to explain the higher ranked players and most played players. The Blind Side is an extraordinary movie. It’s one of my favorite movies actually. It’s a great story of a poor boy who gets taken in by a wealthy family. I’m going to share the summary of the movie, and some of the best actors in this film.

The movie begins in Memphis, Tennessee. The first scene is of a sad and lonely looking boy. This boy is very tall, very big, broad in the shoulders, and is and african american. His name is Michael Oher, but everyone calls him Big Mike. He lives in North Memphis in a public housing complex called Hurt Village. Hurt Village is the place that would be considered where the gangs live, and crimes are an everyday occurrence. Not to mention most of the people who live there don’t have a lot of money.

Big Mike doesn’t really have a bright future, but somehow his luck changes. His friends father gets him into a private christian school. This is where he meets S.J. Touhy. This is important, because if S.J. knew Big Mike, and so it was that much easier for the Touhy’s to stop and pick up Big Mike. After all, it was dark and extremely cold that night he was walking. They offered him a place to stay for the night, but he ended up staying longer than a night, and he became part of their family. With the Touhy’s help, Michael became involved in football, and starts doing better in school. After a lot of hard work, Michael became the football player that the coach wanted him to be. He was one of the best of the team actually. All of Michael’s hard work gets him a ton of offers from colleges all over. Finally, after college he goes on to be drafted in the 2009 NFL Draft by the Baltimore Ravens. After having so little, Michael now has a successful life.

When The Blind Side first came out, there was all kinds of talk about the actors and the movie itself. A lot of this talk had to do with Sandra Bullock. Many people were saying how great she did playing the role of Leigh Anne Touhy. People also said that this was the best movie she was ever in, and also how it was the best acting Bullock had done. In fact, Sandra Bullock won the Academy Award and Golden Globe Award for Best Actress. Bullock was also awarded a Screen Actor Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role. She was clearly great at playing a nice, wealthy, Christian lady. Director John Lee Hancock and producers Broderick Johnson, and Andrew Kosove picked the right person to play Leigh Anne. Sandra Bullock was not the only good actor in this movie.

Tim McGraw played the role of Sean Touhy (husband/father). I think that McGraw played this role very well also. He was smart, extremely successful, and a nice guy to have around. He was also good to his wife, and always tried to understand the reasons for what she did. Sean never judged her, and I liked how well McGraw handled those situations. McGraw had been in many outstanding movie, but just like Bullock, I think that this is one of his best.

The final character I’d like to talk about it Quinton Aaron (Michael “Big Mike” Oher). I have never seen him in any other movies, so I don’t know what his acting is like. I think that he was perfect for the role. Aaron was big, scary looking, and yet he could be so protective of his new family. In The Blind Side he went through a huge transformation, and he became an outstanding football player and surpassed everyone's expectations for him in school. All of the help he received and the courage he gained from all the people that believed in him took him to where he is now.

All together, I think the producers had a great group of people working for them. On the screen they worked well to make this movie what it is. The Blind Side is a sensational movie.

Michael Oher became a great left tackle. I think that’s what they were trying to tell us in the first couple minutes of the movie. The physical description of the left tackle and how good you have to be to become one in the pro’s. The Blind Side had started out with a story that came together well in the end.

This movie sends a good message out to struggling teens. Even kids in poverty, who have had a rough life, can make something great out of their life.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 21 2012 at 10:57 am
I also loved this movie. It is an amazing movie, and teaches a lesson. I love that it is a true story. Because there is really things out there like this story of this boy and family. Who became a pro football player. It may have been or may not of been his dream, but he made it to an amazing carrer in that possesion ,which is like to the top, I think.