The Secret Life of Bees | Teen Ink

The Secret Life of Bees

April 16, 2013
By Anonymous

Think about how much you love your mother, how much she cares for you, how much she loves you. Now imagine you being the cause of her death. The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd is a heartwarming story about friendship, love, adversity, and overcoming hardships. The story is focused on Lily Owens, a fourteen year old white girl that lives with her abusive father. She has lived ten years with with guilt of killing her own mother. With no mother left in her life, Rosaleen, her colored maid, steps in as her motherly figure. One day Rosaleen gets injured and arrested, and suddenly it’s Lily’s time to take action. She breaks Rosaleen out of jail and they run away from her father in search of answers to Lily’s mother’s past.They are lead to a honeybee farm by a honey jar label that her mother once had. This farm was owned by three colored sisters that held the answers Lily’s been looking for. What will Lily do to get them; lie, cheat, steal? How far will she go?

Unlike most books that are made into movies, this film stayed as true to the book as it could. They included the most important aspects from the book and only left out what absolutely could be. The characters seemed to come off the pages from the book, right down to their physical appearance. The actors portrayed them to perfection, almost like they were born as the characters themselves. The sequence of events from the book to the movie were almost indistinguishable. They only changed one major scene so the movie could be shorter and make more sense to someone who had not read the book prior. The setting of the movie was almost exactly as we imagined it. You could tell the producers put a lot of effort to find the best places to shoot the movie. Overall, we were very impressed on how accurate the movie portrayed the book, there is nothing that we can majorly critique it on.

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