The Last Ounce of Courage | Teen Ink

The Last Ounce of Courage

April 17, 2013
By mynameisaiko143 BRONZE, Upper Tumon, Other
mynameisaiko143 BRONZE, Upper Tumon, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Title: “The Last Ounce of Courage” will have you bouncing back and forth looking for a good seat!

You ever wonder how freedom is led and how people fight for it? Freedom is what? It’s to be free and be able to do what you want and make opinions about it. Well, this movie, “The Last Ounce of Courage” talks all about it. Directors Kevin Campbell and Kevin McAfee remark this as a heartbreaking story where freedom is everything and without freedom, we’re nothing.

Set in the Rocky Mountains of Mount Columbus, Thomas Revere volunteered to enlist in the army just his father. Bob Revere (Marshall R. Teague) leaving his wife Kari (Nikki Novak) with his mom and dad. They received a message that he had died during the war. Heartbroken, he felt like he lost all hope and decided to give up. 14 years later, Bob Revere’s grandson, Christian Revere (Hunter Gomez) appears and persuades Bob, who is now the mayor of Mount Columbus, to change the people’s perspective in the true meaning of Christmas and religious freedom. His family isn’t the only one supporting him, but as well as many others who already know about Christmas. While fighting for their freedom, many of the townspeople oppose to revealing the truth such as Warren Hammerschmidt (Fred Williamson), a famous talk show host who appears in television. As things are starting to change, all his ideas and plans are now ruined. Will he find a way to fix it and send a message where everyone would want to listen? Seems interesting, don’t you think.

Bob Revere, who is played by Marshall R. Teague did a really good job in acting. As he was giving his big speech to everyone, you could really feel the pain that he went through trying to resolve their freedom. His acting was powerful that it made me tear a little. Hunter Gomez didn’t seem to fit the character of Christian. I mean, he persuaded Bob in getting back their religious freedom, but he didn’t persuade me into believing his acting was real. He seemed awkward when he says his lines and always had the same facial expression in every scene. Warren’s acting was decent in playing a t.v. show host who opposed Bob’s fight on religious freedom. Thomas’s wife, portrayed as Nikki Novak, should be ashamed of herself. Her acting skills disappointed me. It was better when she didn’t talk or even have lines. She wasn’t able to show her emotions physically and mentally. Dottie Revere, portrayed by Jennifer O’neill, was outstanding. She acted as Bob’s wife and his number one supported in the change. Her acting skills impressed me.

When I watched the trailer, honestly, I thought it was boring. The way the trailer was put together didn’t really get to me and made me bored even before the trailer ended. However, the movie was totally different from the trailer. I was surprised to see that in the showing of that movie, I was very attentive and didn’t feel the need to stand up in case I might fall asleep. It was easy to understand what the main issue of the whole movie. They not only fought for religious freedom, but they give you an example of what type and that was the true meaning of Christmas. The only problem that I had with his movie was the lack of acting skills. As I said earlier with the main characters, they weren’t able to show proper emotions and that was the major setback in the whole movie.

The message that this movie gives you is very clear. If you want something really badly, don’t you want to fight for it? If something affects you or anyone, don’t you try to say something and try to fix it? That’s what the message is. It’s trying to say that you should stand up for what you believe in and no matter what hardships you go through into your efforts, never give up. You never know, you could be making a change that people might actually be thankful for. Other people might learn something else from the movie, like freedom is not free. You always have to pay a price when fighting for your freedom.

This movie is Rated G that contains minor violence, no sex, and is a movie for everyone. It’s a great movie for children because it teaches them the importance of the holiday, Christmas. It wasn’t about Santa Claus or receiving presents. It was Christ’s birth. It’s a movie where it gives you a message that can be used for your daily life. If you don’t have anything to do on your spare time, watch this movie.

2 ½

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