Rise of the Guardians | Teen Ink

Rise of the Guardians

August 29, 2013
By Parasytic-Surrealist SILVER, Kokomo, Indiana
Parasytic-Surrealist SILVER, Kokomo, Indiana
7 articles 4 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
Deduction is just the science of paying close attention.

RotG. One of the best movies of the holiday season last year. So many people, young, old, and in between, went to see it and enjoyed it. Jack Frost, the protagonist of the story line, struggles with who he is, was, and will be in this riveting tale. Admit it. You had a fan attack every time you watched the movie. But if you’re like me, it wasn’t over Jack. It was over the antagonist. The Boogeyman. The King of Nightmares. Pitch Black.
I was a Jude Law fan once I saw Gattaca, a sort of science fiction film.
Jude plays a paralyzed man who offers up his identity, and other attributes, to a genetical flop of a man. So that was the moment I fell in love with Jude Law’s acting.
His voice, his facial gestures, and his body language were fantastic!
But as the role of Pitch Black?
Even better. His voice acting has this…. Magnetism that only Jude can achieve. That subtle accent, the pitch (lol) of his voice? Oh. My. Gods. It was the best voice acting I had ever heard.
I have to give Pitch’s animators at DreamWorks a HUGE hand. The way his hair moved subtly at times, when the tendons of his neck bulged when he spoke or yelled, his facial movements at times were fanatical! I was deeply impressed at the way he was animated. The way the shadows played across his face, and hid half of it at times. It was AMAZING!!!
The movie has a MASSIVE personality.
My favorite moments are when Pitch is in Cupcake’s bedroom and when Pitch and Jack have their confrontation in Antarctica. Oh, not to mention Pitch’s EPIC dance across the Globe. It makes me smile every time I see it!
I also have to give Jack's animators a hand. He was well animated as well.
So back to the movie. I enjoyed the plot greatly. It brought back childhood memories, like trying to stay up to see the Tooth Fairy, or the Sandman! And the idea that baby teeth hold childhood memories? Genius.

All in all? I loved it!

The author's comments:
My ramblings over a great movie. BEAR WITH ME!!!!!


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