Filly Brown | Teen Ink

Filly Brown

October 29, 2013
By Stephany15 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Stephany15 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Filly Brown is a movie that teaches you a lesson and helps you self identify. The main character is Majo played by actress Gina Rodriguez. She plays the role of a young hispanic female trying to make it big in the hip-hop industry. She is also pushed to help her mother, Maria get out of jail. Her mom is played by the Mexican singer/actress, Jenni Rivera. She was in a plane accident on Dec. 9, 2012, by then she was still not done recording the movie but was later finished and completed by the actress alexandra. In the movie she has been incarcerated for several year for her drug addiction. She still has an addiction and blows her mother love for Majo by playing her dirty. She gives her a plagiarized track, and after she had thought to have made it she finds out it was not her mothers. Majors effort to grow up fast and raise her 17 year old sister, the struggle she had to go through to make it on the radio and spit her tracks was all down the drain. She was offered an open mic spot at a local hip-pop radio station, and got her name “Filly Brown”. She started like any other artist. She had her own poems/ slam poetry then latter had to sing what her record label told her to sing. They changed her by changing her style. From the way she dressed to the language she used in her songs. Once fame started to get to her she forgot about her friend and her own family. She lied to her father whom was played by Lou Diamond Phillips, by making fake promises that she would not go visit her mom. He fears that his family will go back to the old self. He fears that they will all go back to the hood.This was a slap on the face for the young actress. Every teen 15 and up should watch this movie. You will not only find a ways to connect to these movie but also to find a way to self identify. The moral of the movie will give us all a lesson. A girl who lies, steals and abandon her friend and those who were there for her unconditionally, all for helping her mom. This goal would push us all to do similar things but its a nice way to reflect upon it just how she saw the errors she had committed when she was alone and no one would help her. This is a family movie that shows the struggle of both a teenage girl and her family. It will entertain you since the moment the soundtrack starts playing. Its a new twist and the soundtracks only make the movie more real. If you love a good new drama, then you must watch this movie as soon as possible and you wont regret a minute of it.

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