Snow White and the Huntsman | Teen Ink

Snow White and the Huntsman

November 17, 2013
By upintheclouds201 SILVER, West Point, Virginia
upintheclouds201 SILVER, West Point, Virginia
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You will soon be reunited with a close friend. ---From a random fortune cookie.

I enjoy a movie with a captivating plot, believable characters, and great visuals. I went into this movie expecting nothing less than a typical story of good versus evil. It is so much more than that. It has all of the aforementioned elements, yet it also boasts some very impressive dialogue. Just like The Fifth Element and The Matrix, this is a movie that I can easily see myself coming back to again and again, without it ever gathering dust on my shelf.

First and foremost, I must address the visuals. All throughout this film, I found myself in awe as I witnessed various areas of the kingdom, such as the Dark Forest and the Sanctuary, which is the home of the fairies. I cannot fully emphasize my appreciation for the cinematography of this movie. Kudos to Rupert Sanders for making this truly a sight to behold.

Any story is incomplete without a strong antagonist, but fortunately, Charlize Theron steps into the role of the evil queen Ravenna, and is quite menacing in several scenes. Given, she sometimes is over-the-top, but I chose to overlook that for one simple reason: she is a near-perfect villain. I was really surprised how fully Chris Hemsworth dove into the role of the Huntsman. This character is an interesting one, to say the least. He came back from the war, presumably against the phantom army, to find his wife dead. Now a grieving widower, he is pulled into a desperate search for a missing girl, a girl he later discovers is Snow White. This is by far the best role he has played so far, in my honest opinion. Quick little note: I found the Seven Dwarves to be really convincing as supporting characters. Bob Hoskins was a pleasant surprise.

Now, most people would scoff at the very idea of Kristen Stewart playing a savior to a lost kingdom, had they heard of this movie before the previews hit. There were many who hated the Twilight films that came before this movie, including me. However, I loved what she brought to this character. Her angst-ridden take on Snow White was understandable, mainly because she had lived in the western tower of the castle ever since she was a young girl. She brings an innocence and purity to a character who lives in a world ruled by corruption and death, and even though this is the only good film she has been in, I’m definitely looking forward to her future endeavors.

The plot of Snow White and the Huntsman consists of a darker version of the classic fairy tale, and much of it revolves around Snow White attempting to make it to the Duke’s castle, in hopes of overthrowing the Queen. All in all, though, this is a highly enjoyable gem, and it has easily joined the ranks of my favorite films.

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