Warrior | Teen Ink


November 22, 2013
By Julian Novoa BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
Julian Novoa BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What most may consider a fighting movie, is actually a heart touching reunion story of two brothers and a father, who have been separated since the death of the mother, coming together. The two brothers, Tommy and Brendan, both enter a fighting tournament to win millions. Tommy chooses his father to train him, since they have a history of training. His father is a recovering alcoholic former boxer and has trained both Tommy and Brendan since a young age. Other critics give this movie an 8/10 but I see it as a 10/10. It blends in action with brotherly love. This movie has posters describing the reason why each brother is fighting. Tommy is fighting for his brother-in-arms, who died in a war, so that he can give the prize money to the widow so she can pay her bills and move to a better place. Brendan is facing bankruptcy and foreclosure and must return to fighting from being a high school math teacher. This drastic comeback worries his wife who doesn't support him fighting until the very end.

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