Ender's Game | Teen Ink

Ender's Game

November 25, 2013
By Anonymous

Ender’s Game was a great book. I really liked this book. But the movie was pretty good too. But, if I had a choice between the two, I would choose the book. I would choose the book because it tells the whole story and it doesn’t cut the story short. Also because there are more details explained in the book, and with these details it makes more sense why certain things happen.

The parts that I think the director skipped and messed up the story by skipping the section of Valentine and Peter working together, and saving the world from destruction. That part to me was a very important part because if they didn’t stop the war, what would have happened? Would the world still be there? Or would they have stopped when everyone is dead? But this was a key event in the story that the movie skipped. I think that the director had to skip these parts because it would have made the movie too long and too boring for the viewers. And if the movie was to be too long, the critics would have given them a bad review and they would probably have to put the movie on more than one disc because it would take up too much memory for one disc. The last reason they would have to shorten the movie is the cost to produce this movie would be too much. And the movie would probably not have enough supporters to create the movie. In the shuttle to battle school, there was an event that was in the book that they didn’t show, and that was when Ender broke Bernard’s arm. This was a significant part to me because he was defending himself again and because it showed why Bernard didn’t like Ender and how they slowly became friends. Those were the parts that I saw that the director skipped.

For the parts that I liked, there were only a few because the movie cut out some of the good parts of the story. One of the parts that I liked in the movie was the fact that it was a visual experience, and I didn’t have to use my imagination to see it. I really liked the fight scenes in the battle room that Ender. Another thing that I really liked was the part that they showed the dream that Ender had of the Formic queen and how he found her in that place. I like the fact that they switched up the story a little because it’s hard to follow the whole book if you have to cut some parts. That was one of the best things in the movie that I really liked. These were all the parts that I saw in the movie that I really liked.

As for the actors, there are a few things that I didn’t like about the movie that the actors did. I think that Bonzo was an actor that should have been switched because he was smaller than Ender, and he didn’t seem much of a bully to Ender. The fact that he was older suggested that he was supposed to be bigger than Ender. And there was a huge age difference between the both of them. Another piece of the movie that I didn’t like was that they didn’t show Ender age along the way of his life from 6 years old to 13 years old. During the time that the school was pushing Ender, the actor for Ender and the other kids didn’t express much tiredness as much as the book said they felt. This is what I thought about Ender’s Game, and why I did and didn’t like the movie.

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