Enders Game review | Teen Ink

Enders Game review

November 26, 2013
By Jeremiah Schubert BRONZE, Hilo, Hawaii
Jeremiah Schubert BRONZE, Hilo, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are a lot of things that were different from the movie than the book. The book was boring for me. When I watched the movie I realized that there was a lot of parts from the book that were left out. The movie made everything come to life for me as a student. The book was good, but I was not able to imagine everything that happened in the story. The movie was better than the book.

The movie had a lot of parts that were similar to the book. I am jus going to briefly tell you about what the movie was about. Just like in the book, the movie starts with Ender playing the bugger game against this kid that bullies Ender. His name is Stilson. Ender beats him and he asks for a rematch but Ender says the can play tomorrow. Right after he leaves they take out his monitor. Right after that, Stilson and his friend’s come. They want to fight Ender because he does not have his monitor so the people cannot track what Ender is doing now. Stilson is going to attack Ender and he grabs an object and strikes Stilson in his face. Stilson goes down and Ender starts to violently kicking him. Ender puts Stilson in the hospital. Later on in the movie, is also just like the book, Colonel Graff meets him and his family at his house. Colonel has a talk with Ender and he persuades him to come to battle school. Ender decides to go the battle school with Colonel Graff. On the way to space Ender meats Bean. When they get to battle school they start taking their classes and they get to see what the battle room is like and rules of how the battle go. Later in the movie Ender plays this game and he goes to this place where he sees his sister Valentine, but he also hears his brother Peter?s voice and he gets scared. Later on Ender gets promoted to Bonzo army, where he meet Bonzo and Petra. Bonzo instantly starts to pick on Ender. Petra teaches Ender what she knows about the battles. Later on Bonzo?s army has a battle and he tells Ender to stay back. In the battle Bonzo?s army wins the battle with his clever mind. After, Ender is assigned his own army known as the Dragon army. Petra joins his army because one of his soldier’s was hurt. Once again Ender wins the battle with his smart mind. Later Ender kills Bonzo in the shower, accidently. After Colonel Graff takes Ender to see his sister Valentine. After travels farther then battle school to where the buggers used to reside. Now his army is doing simulations. I don’t want to give away the ending about simulations so you are going to have to watch the movie yourself.

In the movie the key characters are Valentine, Peter, Ender?s parents, Colonel Graff, Petra, Bonzo, Beans, Mazer, and Colonel Dap. Then Ender was the main Character in the movie. Ender was supposed to be six years old in book, but in the movie looks like he is twelve years old .I do not remember Petra and Ender practicing together. In the movie there was an added part to the movie. The added part was when Ender sees apart from the game he played and he meets someone or something, but once again, you are going to need to go and watch the movie yourself to figure out what happens in the movie. The book was good and the movie was good, you decide which one you think is better.

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