Monster Univeristy | Teen Ink

Monster Univeristy

January 9, 2014
By studenttttttt BRONZE, La Canada, California
studenttttttt BRONZE, La Canada, California
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Last week I saw the movie Monsters University. It was a great movie. It was very funny and it had a very good story to follow. The Pixar Animation released by Walt Disney Pictures is supposed to be a prequel to the Monsters, Inc. movie that debut in 2001. This was a movie that I’ve wanted to watch for a while now, because many people were saying that Monsters University is a great movie and that it was super creative. Also I have seen almost every Disney movie so I knew I had to watch this one as well. This movie is definitely one of the best Disney movies. It is perfect for all ages and the storyline was excellent.
The movie starts out with a young Mike Wazowski who dreams of becoming a professional Scarer when he gets older. He wants to go into the human world and scare children at night to collect their screams for energy in the monster world. The movie jumps eleven years after Mike decided he wanted to become a Scarer. Mike becomes a first-year student at Monsters University, which was his dream school. Mike meets a monster named James P. Sullivan or Sulley. At first they are not friends and they start off as rivals but they eventually become best friends. Mike works really hard and Sulley who is the complete opposite of Mike is very lazy and relies on his natural scaring talent. As the year goes on, Sulley gets into the Roar Omega Roar fraternity but is later kicked out because Dean Hardscrabble fails both Sully and Mike at the final exam for the Scare School. They are both kicked out of the Scare program and are forced to take summer school, in the boring Scream Can class. Mike sees a poster about a contest called the Scare Games and he joins the fraternity called Oozma Kappa. He wants to prove that he is a good scarer let alone get back into the Scare program and the only way for him to do that is by joining a fraternity. As Mike tries to sign up for the games, they are denied because they are a member short. Sulley asks if he can join the fraternity of Oozma Kappa and Mike reluctantly accepts and they enter the Scare Games. Oozma Kappa starts off really bad in the games, but as the games go on they start to become a team and the friendship between Mike and Sulley start to form. In the final round of competition Mike wins the last scare battle but afterwards finds out that the machine was rigged and that Sulley cheated. Mike and Sulley are expelled from Monsters University and take up jobs in the mail room at Monsters, Inc. The movie ends with pictures showing that Mike and Sulley worked their way up the company, and they eventually became a Scare Team.

The best parts of the movie are probably all the creative Scare Games competitions. Some of the games I even wanted to try doing. Also I really liked the way Pixar animated the characters so that they seemed real. The quality of the characters makes the movie great. The facial expressions and body movements really captures the audience making them connect with the characters. I mean I really felt bad for Mike when he was kicked out of the Scare School. Also I really liked how they incorporated a lot of different scaring faces and techniques into the movie. I think it enhanced the humor. I would say that the acting and animation was pretty good especially in the scenes that involved sad or happy emotions where the audience could really connect with the character. I was surprise because the movie isn’t predictable compared to some Disney movies. I never knew what was going to happen next. The movie was extremely creative and entertaining.
The two main characters were voiced by famous celebrities Billy Crystal as Michael "Mike" Wazowski and John Goodman as James P. "Sulley" Sullivan. Monsters University was premiered worldwide on June 5, 2013, and was released on DVD and Blu-ray October 29, 2013. The movie was a great success earning $743,559,607 worldwide. Monsters University Won the Hollywood Animation Award and was nominated for Best Animated Feature from San Francisco Film Critics Circle and Best Animated Feature from Washington D.C. Area Film Critics Association.
I definitely recommend everyone should watch Monsters University. This movie is for kids and adults. It has a great storyline with parts being funny, sad, and exciting. Monsters University is great movie. For more information about Monsters University and another summary of the movie, go to Internet Movie Database, or IMDb. This site has everything about every movie made.

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