Forrest Gump | Teen Ink

Forrest Gump

February 20, 2014
By Anonymous

Forrest Gump released in 1994 based on the 1986 novel by Winston Groom, is a intriguing epic about the life of Forrest Gump. The movie has won 6 Oscars including best picture, and is rated PG-13. Tom Hanks plays the role of Forrest, who isn’t the smartest man with an IQ of 75. But is raised by his mother who teaches him to “Don't never let anyone tell you they’re better than you.”
The movie follows Forrest Gump as he experiences many significant events of the 20th century. Tom Hanks depicts the role of Forrest incredibly well. The first part of the movie shows Forrest growing up and becoming accustomed to life while the second shows Forrest experiencing the 20th century. Many significant events including the Nixon Watergate Scandal and the Vietnam War are shown as seen by Forrest. Forrest see’s everything straight forward and as it is exactly is. The movie also has a romantic side, Forrest falls in love with his childhood friend Jenny Curran played by Robin Wright. Jenny Curran has a broken life and with the help of Forrest tries to fix it.
Tom Hanks plays the role of Forrest believably, he shows the slowness and innocence of Forest through his actions and narrations. When watching the movie I didn’t see Tom Hanks as himself, I saw him as a completely different person, Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump is a romantic, sad, and heartfelt movie that teaches us to appreciate life and that “Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you’re gonna get.”

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