Kingdom of Heaven | Teen Ink

Kingdom of Heaven

March 4, 2014
By Noah Frost SILVER, Continental, Ohio
Noah Frost SILVER, Continental, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Kingdom of Heaven begins in 1184 as a French blacksmith, Balian (Orlando Bloom), mourns the suicide of his wife and after their newborn died. Two priests decapitate and bury the woman, a Christian tradition meaning God won’t accept the soul into heaven. Shortly after, a band of returning Crusader knights marches through the town. A baron enters the blacksmith’s shop and proclaims he is his father. In disbelief, Balian refuses the baron’s offer. Later that night, the priest that buried Balian’s wife visits him and claims his wife will go to hell for her suicide. In a fit of anger, Balian murders the priest and sets off running to meet up with the crusaders.

Balian joins the procession as they travel back to Jerusalem. Along the way, the Baron contracts a fever and dies near Italy, and Balian is knighted to replace him in Jerusalem’s court. When they reach Jerusalem, Balian learns the Saracens have declared a jihad against the kingdom. Saladin, the leader of the Arab army, complete surrounds the city as Balian takes command of the city’s defences.

Jerusalem is besieged for nearly a weak of heavy bombardment from trebuchets and Greek. The Saracens concentrate their artillery on a weak part of the wall and after an hour, it comes tumbling down. The Muslims run to the gap just as the Christian militia runs to defend it. After hours of slaughter, the Saracens fall back. Balian meets with Saladin who offers a truce. Balian says that he won’t let the citizens be killed by the Arab army. Eventually generous terms are reached that Saladin will allow safe evacuation of all Christians out of the Holy Land. As the two leaders depart, Balian asks Saladin what Jerusalem is worth. Saladin replies, “Nothing.”

The stories main theme is discovering one’s self worth. Balian thought that if he defended Jerusalem, his sins would be erased. However, after the battle, he realized there was nothing holy about the city. It was just a place like everywhere else and he should defend it for the people not religion.

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