L.A. Story | Teen Ink

L.A. Story MAG

By Anonymous

   Steve Martin's new comedy "L.A. Story" does not make a major statement on our society, nor does this light film tell the story of any great historical figure. Nevertheless, this parody of life in Los Angeles is worthwhile seeing even if just for a break from the current batch of "important" Hollywood flicks. It's funny and lively, with an interesting romance, and characters who are believable and off-beat. Steve Martin, who wrote the story, also stars in this film, and is by far the funniest character. He has animated conversations with highway signs, roller-skates through art museums, and is a weatherman/clown on a daily news program, to mention only a few of his roles.

A flaw of this film, if there is one, is that some of the movie's funnier characters, like Rick Moranis's grave-digger, appear only briefly. For the most part, though, "L.A. Story" creates laughs with whoever's on screen: truly commendable comic relief. n


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i love this so much!