Evil Dead | Teen Ink

Evil Dead

April 11, 2014
By Jane6792 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Jane6792 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it. - Albert Enstein

The unknown; we fear it, dread it, and absolutely love it! People have always questioned what is impossible and what may lie beyond human perception. But why do people love horror films so much when it is in our very fibers as an animal to either run or fight? Its because we crave that rush of being in the moment. We wonder what we would do if we were in the the characters position to ensure our survival. The moment where nothing else matters except living and using every wit and tactic you have to get there. That sensation and learning experience is given to us through our lovely horror films.

The legendary American horror film, The Evil Dead (1981) was recreated and came out in theaters in 2013, hauling in about 98$ million worldwide. Evil Dead starts off with the most cliche of plots: a remote old cabin in the middle of the woods with six nosy teenagers staying the night. The characters find a book literally binded with human flesh and of course, as you might have guessed already, they opened and read the incantations summoning a demon. Why do people love these cliche plots? Maybe its because we can play that little guessing game and pick the order in which characters die first. Most people automatically assume the girlfriend who has sex with her boyfriend dies first and then the nerd and so on. But why do we guess the girlfriend first? The girlfriend character is usually portrayed as the simple-minded girl with low awareness to her surroundings. We cross her off first because she is the most unfit for surviving. In the state of survival, its all about wits, strength, and the inexplicable motivation to live.

Another aspect of Evil Dead, is its eye wrenching scenes! The moment when the girl is alone in the dark with the demon on top of her slowly taking the sliding knife and ripping her tongue in half proceeding to make out with the poor girl. You probably just cringed a little from the mere thought of it. How about the scene where the demon sings a disturbing lullaby while peeking out of the cellar door. And probably one of my most favorite scenes: when the girlfriend cuts off her possessed arm with the electric knife they used for dinner. These moments are terrifying and disgusting but we love to think what it would be like to be in the characters place. What if that was me? What would I do different to ensure my survival? And why is it that people even trust zombie movie fanatics more over normal citizens in a zombie apocalypse? Its because they have the experience of placing themselves in those movies to receive knowledge indirectly; therefore, have a better chance of survival in a real situation. Its all about surviving and the moment.

These oh my god moments are what people love to see, feel, and think about. The sensation of life or death is an prowess feeling that ripples throughout the body that brings people right back into the horror section on their tv screen. And we indirectly learned the rules and how to handle the paranormal because of horror films. Never go towards a sudden sound or never be nosy in an ominous house. Horror will always be in the top genres just like there will always be the curiosity in the paranormal, unknown, and impossible.

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