The Proposal | Teen Ink

The Proposal

April 11, 2014
By CallMeKobyK BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
CallMeKobyK BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Second is the first loser.

The Highly Doubtful Proposal

??In the romantic comedy, The Proposal, two unlikely people are set to spend the weekend together and possibly get married. Andrew Paxton is an assistant editor who has a devilish boss that everyone hates, and a father who does not support his career choice. Margaret Tate is an editor in New York, Andrew’s boss, and is facing deportation back to Canada. She forces Andrew to marry him, so that she can stay in America and he will keep his job and possibly get a promotion to editor. The next weekend they are to visit Andrew’s family in Sitka, Alaska to celebrate his grandmother’s birthday. They are also going to learn more about each other so that they may be able to answer questions from a U.S. Immigrant agent who is suspicious of fraud. During their trip, the dubious couple began to have real affection for each other through their bizarre adventures and hysterical personalities. In the end, they set aside their differences and try to make something out of nothing. They truly get married.
??Love at first sight? Not these two. This is what makes this movie funny. It appeals to us because we watch the couple go through the process of falling in love. We see the hints that they portray. Everyone knows in the movie that they are going to end up together; but what makes these movies enjoyable is the set of events that lead to true love.
??What also makes this a good movie is how we the viewers can relate to the personal problems of the characters and their background. Andrew and his father have a past with disagreeing on Andrew’s career choice. Margaret had to grow up and learn things on her own without family at the age of sixteen. Margaret’s past also foreshadows why she is so work dependent and mean.
??Romantic comedy is a popular genre for adults. The genre is captivating because they are heartwarming. Love and laughter have major effects and cause people to do about anything for it. It creates happiness and people feel good watching them. Its a stress reliever that distracts people from reality. People can also relate to it. They compare their own relationships to these fantasy type love stories. Romantic comedies are carefree that are watched consistently among adults.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because it was an assignment from my language arts teacher.

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