The Lone Ranger | Teen Ink

The Lone Ranger

April 14, 2014
By Anonymous

The Lone Ranger

Action comedies are very popular with people that watch movies. They have the perfect blend of comedy and action at the right time. These types of movies are perfect for people wanting a laugh. Also it is perfect for those wanting suspense. One of these movies is the Lone Ranger. This movie has the perfect mesh of action and comedy.

The Lone Ranger takes place in the old west and the main characters are an Indian named Tonto and man that goes by Lone Ranger. The whole scheme of the movie is that the main character died after him and his brother was attacked by a group of outlaws. However he came back to life and the Indian found him.
There was also comedy in this too. There was a horse that Tonto called a spirit horse. This horse decided that it liked Lone Ranger and brought him back to life. Tonto however tried to make the horse bring the brother back because he was an actual fighter will the other was a lawyer. This caused quite a bit of humor after the suspenseful scene.

The Lone Ranger was a very good movie. My personal favorite scenes were that the main character always said something was wrong with the horse it always ended up on a roof. Also when the Line Ranger went up against his first enemies he said that he hasn’t shot a gun sense he was 9. He still shot the gun and misted but hit a winch and launched a log on the heads of the enemies and killed them. Tonto said nice shot but he said that he missed.

The action in the movie was very good as well. In the beginning when the train was hijacked by outlaws, the train derailed and flipped over many times. This almost killed both of them but it instead broke the shackles on the cuffs. When the groups of rangers were attacked will the main character was in the pose, there was much action. Everyone died except for the main character. I consider this movie to be a very good one and one of my favorite most recently seen ones.

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