This is the End | Teen Ink

This is the End

May 7, 2014
By nickkalil BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
nickkalil BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nick Kalil

Mrs. Peyman
English IV
6 May 2014
This is the End

“This is the End” is a movie to never forget. This movie is all around funny and well–produced. Staring a five-star cast, the acting is brilliant and the plot is very intriguing. “This is the End” stars Seth Rogan Jonah Hill, James Franco, Danny McBride, Craig Robinson, and Jay Baruchel. The best part is that they all play themselves in the movie. The movie starts out by having Jay catch up with Seth in Los Angeles, California. Seth invites Jay to attend a party at James Franco’s mansion. Seth goes on to say that the house will be loaded with celebrities like Rihanna and Michael Cera. Jay responds to Seth by explaining why he does not like James, Jonah, and Craig, however, Seth convinces him to go. On the same night of the party, Jay and Seth go to visit the gas station, when all of a sudden, the Apocalypse happens. They barely make it to James’s mansion as everyone is storming out. James kicks everyone out of his house except Jay, Seth, Jonah, Danny, and Craig. They all wait in the mansion until they figure out what’s definitely happening. Craig is voted to leave in search for water. Once he departs from the mansion, everyone else eventually leaves after Jonah gets possessed and dies in a house fire. They all end up dying in humorous ways. The movie ends with the group having a party in Heaven while listening to the Backstreet Boys. Like “Superbad” and “Pineapple Express”, “This is the End” is filled with raw humor and chaotic scenarios.

The author's comments:
This is the End is a great movie!

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