A Walk to Remember | Teen Ink

A Walk to Remember

May 7, 2014
By Sienna Anglim BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Sienna Anglim BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
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A Walk to Remember directed by Adam Shankman, may go down as one of my most favorite movies of all time. This love tale between goofy, tough-guy Landon Carter and sweet and chaste Jamie Sullivan stars in a crazy story and unexpected ending. This movie took off with one of Landon’s friends trying to show off in front of a few people by jumping into a shallow lake and almost dying. When the friends saw he was hurt, the police came because they were on private property. Everyone ran, except Landon. He saved his friend, even though he got in serious trouble with the police. He had to start being involved with the community and school, so it was required for him to join his school play. Jamie was the lead female role and Landon was chosen to be the lead male role. This is where their journey began.

Jamie told Landon she would help him as long as he did not fall in love with her. He agreed, not knowing Jamie was the one he would end up spending his life with. This was a strange turn of events. Landon fell for Jamie’s sweet character, her gentle heart, and warm and embracive smile. The tough-guy falling for the innocent girl has become a rather common plot between movies now-a-days. Although it has been played so many times, there is something different about it in this movie. The audience root for the tough guy because even though he appears to be all rough, he actually has a sweet heart. Landon did not have to save that friend at the beginning of the movie. Even though he got in trouble, he stuck around.

Once Landon realized he was starting to like Jamie, she told him that she could not go out on a date without her father’s, the reverend, approval. Her father turned him down and refused but finally gave in. He knew how much Landon really liked Jamie. Throughout the movie they show how much Landon cared. He walks her around school, although he is constantly being made fun of, Landon continues to stand by Jamie's side.

Later in the movie, Jamie discovers she has leukemia sending her and Landon's world upside down. She stays faithful and positive throughout her illness and Landon will not leave her side. He struggles with his faith, as most normal people would. This movie is realistic and helps the audience know exactly what is happening throughout the movie. All the characters match their roles and display the emotions that the character should be feeling.

The audience actually feels like they are a part of Jamie and Landon's world. That is something I enjoyed most about this movie. It takes a lot to get me interested in a movie and keep my attention. This movie draws you in and keeps you wondering what will happen next. The ending of this movie was very sad. Jamie and Landon got married in the church Jamie's parents were married in. A few months later, Jamie's leukemia took her life. Landon was devastated but realized how Jamie really influenced his life. She made him a better man and she loved him unconditionally.

A Walk to Remember was a movie with mixed emotions. You felt anger, love, hate, and sadness for the entire cast. You wanted them to act differently because their decisions led them to a bad place. It's hard to hate this movie but it is also hard to love this movie. They travel and fall in love, why would Jamie have to die? The crowd wanted her to pull through. It was a twist considering the good guy should not have died. That was my only hate for this movie. I love the emotion it made me feel and the hope it gives but I wanted Jamie to live. I wanted her to live for and with Landon. I recommend this movie to anyone looking for a romance love story with a twist. The director chose the perfect actors for this movie. I believe they truly felt the emotion that even I was feeling. When I got chills up my spine when Landon first told Jamie he loved her, wanting to cry when the audience found out she had leukemia, and the hope I felt when they got married. A Walk to Remember was a movie of amazing faith and love, I would say more in favor of women and teenage girls. Even if someone does not fall under that category, I still recommend it.

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