Freshman Father | Teen Ink

Freshman Father

October 29, 2014
By pateldhara BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
pateldhara BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Freshmen Father is a movie based on a true story. The movie was released in June 2010. It is director by Michael Scott.

The cast includes Drew Seeley, Annie Potts, Britt Irvin and Kim Zimmer. Drew Seeley was in Pitch Perfect and Another Cinderella Story. He is Canadian Actor, dancer, singer and song writer.  He has recorder many songs for Walt Disney. Britt Irvin is also a Canadian actor and singer. Drew Seeley plays the role of John and Britt Irvin is Kathy.

It is a story about 2 high school sweethearts John and Kathy about to go to college. John has a full scholarship to Harvard. Before he is packed up to leave, they discover that Kathy is pregnant. Kathy and John decide to take on the challenge of taking care of a baby. John works a full time job while attending college and struggles in calculus. Kathy stays home and takes care of the baby, but doesn’t bond with the baby like John does.

   The plot moves very quickly, it’s a short movie. It doesn’t have enough scenes or chemistry. Everything is to the point and quick. The actors are fairly new, not very popular.  It’s a great story made into a movie poorly. The story has a good message. It shows how students struggle yet John doesn’t give up. It’s all about responsibility.

I would suggest this movie to high school students and college students. It shows them the struggle yet teaches to never give up and work hard. Oh, by the way, the little baby is adorable.

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