Mockingjay | Teen Ink


December 8, 2014
By Kennedy Tabura BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Kennedy Tabura BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“If we burn, you burn with us!” did you know that Katniss Everdeen said this phrase with great fierceness in the movie Mocking jay part 1?  The book Mocking jay is about the return of the Quarter Quell after Katniss is rescued by Plutarch, she later finds out that she has been apart of a rebellion by the rebels who hate the capitol.  She discovers that there is now a district 13 since the capitol blew up all of district 12, her home.  She carries out the duties and responsibilities of being the “Mockingjay” by president Snow, however the capitol still had Peeta and abused/ tortured him into persuading Katniss and district 13 to not start a civil war, which is all district 13 wants to do towards the capitol and fight for their freedom.  Katniss just really cares about Peeta and wants him to not be tortured by the capitol and or killed by them.  Honestly, the book was way better.  The movie left out so many important events.  I absolutely hate it when they separate a movie into 2 parts so the book was better by far. 

Some of the differences between the book and the movie are, when Katniss goes back to district 12 she finds a white rose that president Snow left her and in the book she gags, but in the movie she just looks at the rose in shock.  Another difference is when Prim dies, in the movie they didn’t even get to the best part that is why I dislike the fact that they separated the movie into two parts.  I think that the director overall did a good job on the movie itself.  I really like how he makes Katniss look really fierce in the movie.  I think the visual of the book, is the movie so it is a better way to make the book come alive and for non-readers (such as me) can get a feel of the magic.  One thing I would have done instead is again, NOT make the movie into two parts!  Die hard Hunger Games fans have to wait a whole year t watch the part two and the urge of waiting is difficult, so the director really messed up on that part.  The ending part for me was completely bull.  I can’t believe they would end it at such a staggering yet scary part.  Peeta is all messed up and almost killed Katniss and they stop it right when Peeta has lost his mind in the hospital looking crazy!  I would have ended it where he choked Katniss and not show when she recovered from that to make the ending more interesting and having the viewers on the edge of their seats wanting to watch the part two as soon as it comes out to see what happens if Katniss dies or remains alive after what Peeta had done to Katniss. 

In my opinion, the overall book itself is great!  I love the storyline, the recovery from the Quarter Quell, and the events.  The readers should read the book before the movie to get a better understanding of the movie, or to see how many things the movie has left out.  My recommendation is to just read the book, if you really want to know all the details about the hunger games series, read the book.  So you don’t have to wait a whole year for part two right after you watched part 1.  The book is great and carries out the storyline well.  However, if you’re a non-reader and like movies then watch the movie then ask your reader friends what is going on or what is happening if you don’t quite get the movie.  Reading the book is faster than having to wait a whole year to watch part two of the Mocking jay.


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