10 Things I Hate About You | Teen Ink

10 Things I Hate About You

June 5, 2015
By scotty5 BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
scotty5 BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In 900 years of time and space I've never met anyone who wasn't important"-11th Doctor

10 Things I Hate About You had many similarities to the Taming of the Shrew, as it was a modern adaptation of the play itself. Even so, it did many things differently and even chose to change the order of certain events. One of the most major differences is because it’s a modern adaptation they had to take out the things like servants for the lords. For extremely important ones, like Tranio, they found creative ways to insert them into the plot; like being a friend showing Lucentio around. They also completely took out the part where Tranio disguises himself as Lucentio, possibly because they didn’t think it would make sense with a modern audience. I also believe that while there is no specific character for Hortensio or Gremio, the model encompasses both these characters as well as the braggart role from Comedia del Arte. The movie adaptation seems to have blended all three of these together into the one role. The movie also seems to have done away with most of the “back” characters. Many of the miscellaneous roles like servants, etc, seem to be almost completely gone in the movie, like they didn’t even want those back characters in there. Characters like Grumio and Biondello just didn’t make the cut I guess. Another detail that I seemed to notice, and this is pure speculation, was that Bianca in the movie seems to be a lot more “outspoken” and many times is talking directly to her “suitors” during school and the party and such while in the play she doesn’t seem to ever be talking to anyone but her father and Katherine and seems to be in her room/house all the time. In the movie, Bianca also seems to be “in control” of who she picks/goes out with and it’s about her interests rather than in the play where it is more up to her father, Baptista, and who he thinks is the right suitor for her (or who will offer the most money for her). One thing that the movie really nailed was the relationship between Katherine and Bianca. They seem to have a bad relationship in the original play and they definitely have a bad relationship in the movie; verging on sisterly hate for each other. They seem to get closer towards the end of the movie but still have a sort of stereotypical sister relationship. In the play, Baptista wanted to get his daughters married, especially Katherine; but also Bianca (towards the best suitor). Whereas, in the film, the father of the sisters doesn’t even really want them to date at all. He institutes the rule not so Katherine will find someone but because he thinks Katherine will never date and therefore neither will Bianca. These are just a few of the many skin deep and profound observations I made while watching 10 Things I Hate About You.

The author's comments:

This is a simple comparison of Shakespeare's play the Taming of the Shrew and the modern adaptation 10 Things I Hate About You.

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