The Mighty Ducks | Teen Ink

The Mighty Ducks

September 29, 2015
By unruh_cassie BRONZE, Vauxhall, Other
unruh_cassie BRONZE, Vauxhall, Other
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 Mighty ducks is a great movie for the family, the movie is produced by Jordon Kerner and Jon Avnet. After reckless young lawyer Gordon Bombay gets caught drunk driving and is forced to coach a kid’s hockey team for his community service.

Gordon as a young child played hockey and was in love with the ice. Later in about his teens he was going to take the shot in the shoot off and it was to win the district championships. Having a hard coach, Jack Reilly, who was very tuff on him made the pressure even more to make the shot. He shot the puck and it hit the post and didn’t get it in, he felt the disappointment from his coach and his team mates also. He always remembers what his coach told him that day he missed the net “Gordon, it's up to you. I don't wanna see any goats around after the game. You got it? Now, you miss this shot…you're not just lettin' me down, you're lettin' your team down.”  This memory lived with him forever.

After he gets caught with drunk driving he is forced to coach a kid’s hockey team called district five. They are later called the ducks and don’t really appreciate their name until Gordon tells them about how strong and tough ducks are and then they really grow on to the name. Through their games Gordon helps the team get better through this journey Gordon also grows to appreciate his team and really care for him. There is one kid that he really gets close with, Charlie Conway, Charlie reminded Gordon of himself when we was younger. He didn’t want to put too much pressure on Charlie because he knew what that can do to a kid. Later in the season the ducks had to play Jack Reilly’s team with losing to them Jack showed Gordon what he could’ve been if he didn’t miss that shot. Gordon realized that one of Jacks players were actually supposed to be on the ducks he got moved to the other team which made the ducks way better. The ducks were winning all of their games which put them in the district finals against Jacks team. They ended up tying the game and was brought down into a penalty shot where Charlie Conway took the winning shot. Before Charlie went to take the shot Gordon told him “You may make it, you may not. But that doesn't matter, Charlie. What matters is that we're here. Look around. Whoever thought we'd make it this far?”

  I think that the mighty Ducks is great movie; it is also a great movie to watch with the family. If you finish the first movie then watch the other movies that they made with it, because they are also very good. You will laugh and still end up learning a lesson with the movie 

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