Juno | Teen Ink


January 13, 2016
By Lo's BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
Lo's BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The movie Juno is weirdly a good movie. The cast selection for this movie was a good choice due to the awkward humor. For example, Michael Cera is the same person in every movie. He is always a serious, weird, sarcastic person, and that makes him funny. He was the perfect choice for this role, the same goes for Ellen Page, who plays Juno MacGuff. They made a nice awkward young couple in a seriously awkward situation.

In this movie, Michael Cera and Ellen Page are two high school best friends, Paulie Bleeker and Juno MacGuff. They ended up having sex and Juno ends up pregnant. Juno decides to get an abortion but when she gets to the clinic she backs out. She then agrees to give her baby to a married couple. That married couple is Jason Loring and Vanessa Loring, who are played by Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner. As time goes by Jason and Vanessa divorce because Jason isn’t ready to be a father to anyone. Juno still gives the baby to Vanessa because she trusts that Vanessa will properly care and provide for the child. This is a good movie to see. Not because of anything special but just simply because it is a good story line and it’s funny.

Although, this is a funny movie it sort of sends a message. 16 years old girl, who has unprotected sex, and is now pregnant, that is one message right there, safe sex and or abstinence is needed. Also, the movie explores the options and consequences of teen pregnancy. The options are to have the baby and raise the baby alone, or to give the baby up for adoption. All of these options are some hard life changing decisions to be made. Abstinence gives you a 100% promise of avoiding this problem.

Some people may not approve this movie to others, well younger people. They may not approve because of how the movie showed not so many issues of teen pregnancy, some kids may think having a baby as a teenager wouldn’t be very hard because of the movie. A baby is a lot of responsibility. As a teen you are already busy with school and homework, then you’re young so you want to go out and hang with friends. Having a baby would weigh you down and also your priorities may not be all on track. I refer this movie because I believe teens are responsible enough to not try and reenact the conflict of this movie, irresponsible sex and teen pregnancy. Juno is a good movie to see.

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