Coraline | Teen Ink


March 22, 2016
By anna.flo BRONZE, Norridge, Illinois
anna.flo BRONZE, Norridge, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I recently fell in love with the movie called “Coraline” directed by Henry Selick. The book was written by Neil Gaiman. Many people are freaked out by this stop motion animation but it is a great movie to explain to not trust strangers, be happy for what you have, and be careful about what you wish for. The movie starts off with Coraline and her family moving into this strange pink apartments. Coraline doesn't like it there. She is really bored. But one day she finds this secret door in the wall. When she finally begged her mom to death to open the door she didn't have anything waiting for her when she open it. It was just a brick wall. But that night she had a dream that behind that door there was another world, so she went to check it out and she was right! It was the same world but different. It was a happier place. But is it? Coraline is soon greeted by her “new and better” parents. But there is the plot twist! They have buttons for their eyes! And everything else in that world has buttons for their eyes. Will Coraline decide to stay in the “new” world forever or decide to stay in her old, boring world?

There are many characters in the movie and the book. But they are a little different. I wouldn't say the book is the same thing as the movie. They are quite different. Some characters in “Coraline” art Coraline, Real Mom/Dad, New Mom/Dad, Mr.Bobinski, the black cat, Miss.Spink and Miss.Forcible, and the Ghost Children. Each character has their own characteristics. They are all different. When they are all put together they form an amazing story.

This movie is also filled with many moods for example suspense, heartbreak, exciting, confusing, and terrifying. But the biggest one is suspense. This movie will leave you hanging!!!!! I'm telling you! Every scene you will be falling off your couch because of the suspense. If you love figurative language this book and movie are filled with it! Some of the symbolisms are buttons, doll that looks just like Coraline, and the key.
I recommend this movie to everyone but I would say that anyone below 9 would be scared of the characters. But if you're brave to go ahead and watch it! You will love it. This movie made me feel that I should love what I have and I should be careful about what I wish for. Life can be tricky sometimes so just appreciate what you have, because if you give it away you might regret it.

Watch the movie called “Coraline” and you will be changed!

The author's comments:

Best Movie Ever!

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