Batman v Superman | Teen Ink

Batman v Superman

April 13, 2016
By Anonymous

Batman v Superman is a movie directed by Zack Snyder which is set eighteen months after the events in Man of Steel (Superman’s solo movie, also directed by Zack Snyder). Batman v Superman is about the government wanting to put boundaries and rules to Superman because no one trusts Superman and they can’t decide if he is there to help them or hurt them, they don’t want him roaming out there on the world freely without anyone controlling him. Batman is feeling powerless because a whole city was nearly destroyed by just two aliens fighting. Superman (Henry Cavill) is an alien whose planet has been destroyed and now he is the only one left of his race, his real name is Clark Kent and he is a journalist working in Daily Planet. Batman (Ben Affleck) is a superhero whose parents were killed that drove him to being a superhero, his real name is Bruce Wayne who is a billionaire, playboy, however, he sees his real self as Batman and his mask as Bruce Wayne. Both Superman and Batman do not kill, but it's questionable in this movie (for Batman only).


(This is the spoiler free section.) Batman v Superman takes place after Man of Steel and is mostly about Superman. People are confused about Superman after the fight between him and General Zod that costed the destruction of half a city and many deaths, the government wants to control Superman, but Superman does not understand why, he is doing the right thing, he is saving people, but people are afraid of what they don’t understand and Superman is exactly that. Batman is feeling powerless after seeing what Superman can do. He wants to go against Superman, because he sees him as a threat. There is this one sentence from Batman in the trailers and in the movie which is “He has the power to wipe out the entire human race and if we believe there is even a one percent chance that he is our enemy, we have to take it as an absolute certainty.” I personally really liked the movie but I really don’t think that it is for everyone to enjoy, if you like action, Batman, Superman and comics you will like this movie, otherwise I don’t recommend it.


Do Not Go Beyond This Text If You Have Not Watched The Movie, Spoilers Incoming.

I want to start with the acting of the actors and actresses. I’ll start with Ben Affleck, he was actually really good as Bruce Wayne, he was the Bruce Wayne we deserved and the one I wanted, as Batman he had some flaws but his overall was good, there was a moment when he did his “Ben Affleck smirk” as Batman which was something I would not expect Batman to do, I think that was the only thing I disliked about his Batman.

Henry Cavill’s Superman was really good in my opinion, If you liked his acting in Man of Steel you will like his acting in this movie as well. There were not a lot of scenes with Clark Kent, but his Clark Kent was different than Christopher Reeves’ Clark Kent and the ones we see in nearly all cartoons and comics. Whilst Clark Kent was totally different than Superman when compared their personalities in comics and older movies, they are very similar to each other in this movie, I hope they fix it in the next one. His Superman was debatable, I really liked it but it was still debatable. The biggest flaw in his Superman was that he never smiled, he is Superman he is supposed to smile, he is supposed to be an icon of hope, but other than that his acting was pretty good.

Gal Gadot did not have a lot of scenes in this movie, but when she appeared she made me believe that she was Wonder Woman, which made the movie a lot better, I did not see a lot of flaws with her Wonder Woman because she didn’t have a lot of scenes in the movie.

Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor seemed hopeful at first but then he started acting like villains such as the Joker. He was very dangerous but not like Lex Luthor . If he was meant to play a brand new villain, I would have loved it, but he is not suitable for Lex Luthor.   

Amy Adams’ acting as Lois Lane was better than the one in Man of Steel.In this movie she was more similar to the lois Lane from the animated movie Superman/Doomsday, the only difference was that she was not in the action zone because she wanted to do her job as a jornalist, she was there for Superman, which was a better Lois Lane in my opinion.

The plot of the movie was actually really good, but the reason that Superman and Batman stopped fighting was not that good. Superman should have said “save my mother”, instead of “Martha, save Martha”, it still brought tears to my eyes, yet still, if he had said mother instead of Martha it would’ve been much better. I think there could have been a better reason for them to fight, I mean if Superman said that Lex captured his mother and blackmailing him I am sure that they would not fight. The movie should have been more similar to The Dark Knight Returns part 2 but Batman and Superman’s roles switched, and instead of being directed by the president of the United States, Batman is directed by his deeply buried fears. I also think that they should have used a different villain than Doomsday, because it would have been much better if he appeared in a solo Superman movie. They should have been patient and kept Wonder Woman out of the movie (also Doomsday) and should have focused on building the Batman and Superman characters, since Wonder Woman is getting a movie anyways. I actually liked how they introduced the Justice League, but they should have kept that out of the movie as well, so there wouldn’t be a lot of characters they had to introduce in the movie. The ending was nonetheless was beautiful, and I really can’t wait to see Superman fighting alongside Batman, maybe they should make a movie similar to Batman/Superman Public Enemies, that would be awesome.

My overall thought of the movie was that if you liked Man of Steel you will like this movie too, and also if you are a comic book fan (especially DC). I hope you liked my long review of the movie Batman v Superman.

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