Saving Private Ryan | Teen Ink

Saving Private Ryan

May 16, 2016
By Anonymous

SaSaving Private Ryan is a war movie set in ww2. It is about a soldier who has three other brothers who die in combat during ww2. He is supposed to return home to his mother but nobody knew where he was. Then a group of soldiers is supposed to go and track him down and return him to safety.

The movie starts out with Private Ryan or James Francis Ryan and his family walking down a sidewalk. They arrive a cemetery with thousands of white cross tombstones in neatly arranged columns. Then James starts to move quickly to one tombstone in particular. When he arrives he starts to cry and the tombstone reads (John H. Miller). James begins to talk to the tombstone and then the movie changes back into ww2.
The ww2 part of the movie then begins in the perspective of Captain Miller and his group of people it shows the beaches of Normandy France on June 6th, 1944. It shows a bunch of amphibious vehicles driving up toward Omaha beach. Men inside the vehicles are puking, praying, and hoping to make it out alive. The boats then arrive to the shore and everything cuts loose. The ramps drop and machine gun fire from the cliff side cuts down the people exiting the vehicles.

Almost everyone in Captain Miller’s group makes it to the end of the beach. They then blow holes in the barbed wire fence to keep pushing forward. They then kill off all the Germans and take control of the beach. After getting supplies ashore and set up base Captain Miller is assigned to a special mission. He then has to go find a new person for his group of men who speaks french because the last person was killed in the beach assault.

A new character  is introduced and his name is Corporal Upham. He is a skinny person and is new to fighting. Captain Miller then takes his group of men and begins the search for Private James Francis Ryan. Private Ryan had been dropped in behind enemy lines in the invasion of Normandy France. Nobody knew where he was and if he was dead or alive.

Captain Miller and his men begin their journey walking through fields and entering a town. As the group enters the town they find some fellow American soldiers and they begin to communicate about how the Germans in the town had cut them off. The leader of the other group sends a messenger who is shot down immediately by German fire. The group and Captain Miller's group try and take another route to the other side of the town. As they reach the other side their is a French family yelling at the soldiers.
The French family wants the Americans to take their daughter to safety. Private Caparzo who is played by Vin Diesel takes the girl in his arms and Captain Miller begins to yell at him. A shot sounded out and Private Caparzo was hit. He was killed by a sniper and Private Jackson shot and killed the German sniper. Upon leaving the town they did not find Ryan and continued their journey.

Captain Miller and his men walked on to another town and found some more friendly soldiers. This group of men had a Private named James Francis Ryan as well but was the wrong person. The soldiers stayed in the town for the night in a big church. The next day the group begins the journey again and find an enemy machine gun emplacement and a radio tower. Captain Miller decided on attacking the Germans instead of going around. During the attack the medic of the group was shot in the stomach and died.

The Americans found a survivor at the machinegun emplacement who had shot Wade there medic. They want to kill him but don’t and make him dig Wade’s grave. The group continues on and make it to a friendly camp. They find a crashed glider and then a Lieutenant who gives them a bag of dog tags to look through. They don’t find his name but find a wounded soldier who knew who they were looking for and where he was at. They begin their journey once again and start walking .

The group was walking through a field when a noise started to get louder and louder and the group hid in the grass when a German half-track started driving through the field. A bazooka round hit the half-track and it caught fire and Germans began to run out of the back. After killing the Germans a group of three American soldiers stands up from the grass. Upon addressing their name, rank, and what company they belong to they find who they are looking for. Then Captain Miller and his group head to a town where Private Ryan is stationed.

In the Captain Miller tells the private that all of his brothers had been killed and he was supposed to go home to his mother. He begins to cry and doesn’t want to leave his  fellow men. Captain Miller learns that a wave of German troops wants to take a very important bridge in the town. Captain Miller and Sergeant Horvath then devise a plan to halt the German attack. They set up mines and machine gun emplacements and position soldiers. They also set up private Jackson and another soldier up in a bell tower.

When the Germans enter the town they are ambushed and a big fight breaks out. The Germans have the upper hand with panzer tanks and a flak gun. As the fighting progresses Private Reiben was killed in the action and the Germans were starting to push the Americans back. Sergeant Horvath was shot twice and died and Captain Miller and a few other survivors were pushed back across the bridge  and were going to blow the bridge when Captain Miller was shot. American planes, tanks, and soldiers arrived and saved everyone but the Captain dies. The movie the goes back to the cemetery with  older Private Ryan and the movie ends.
Overall I believe that this was a good movie that was directed and set up perfectly. The movie had a good plot and conflict. It also had very good actors who played their parts very well.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this because this is such a great movie.

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