Inside Out | Teen Ink

Inside Out

May 13, 2016
By cait.young6 BRONZE, Orient, Ohio
cait.young6 BRONZE, Orient, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am reviewing the movie Inside Out. This is a story about 11 year old Riley and her emotions. Riley loves her life and friends in Minnesota, but when Riley’s dad gets a new job they have to relocate to San Francisco, California. Riley is very upset about his move because she everything she knows is in Minnesota, like her hockey team.
Inside of Riley’s brain are her five main emotions: joy, anger, sadness, disgust, and fear. Her emotions have their own headquarters where they balance Riley’s thoughts. Everytime something happens to Riley her memories are recorded in little bubbles, and if they are not significant memories they are later thrown away. Riley has five core memories that shape who she is as a person. These core memories are kept in the center of headquarters and are powered by other memories on her personality islands. The first core memory is the first time she scored a goal at hockey, and it is powered by Hockey Island. The second core memory is one time she broke a plate and had the honesty of confessing it, and it is powered by Honesty Island. The next core memory is one time she played with her best friend Meg, and it is powered by Friendship Island. The following memory is when Riley was little she would not stop crying so her dad made a silly face which made her laugh, and it is powered by Goofiness Island. The last core memory is one time she made cookies with her parents and it is powered by Family Island.

When Riley and her family get to the new house he dad gets called into work. Sadness tries to take control of the situation, but Joy, her main emotion, swoops in. Riley and her mom go out to eat pizza while her dad is at work, and her mom asked her what her favorite part of the trip was. Inside headquarters when they want Riley to remember they have to take a memory ball and place it on a certain stand. Sadness tries to help Joy with the memory and accidently turns the happy memory into a sad one. Joy tries to fix the memory, but is unable to. To try and cheer Riley up Joy wants her to slide down the banister, causing Goofball Island to come to life, but Riley changes her mind and walks. Joy is very confused by this, so she goes to check what happened. The core memory got knocked out of place, and this causes Goofball Island to go black. To make sure Sadness does not turn anymore memories sad Joy takes her to read manuals on how to turn sad memories back to happy ones.
Since Joy can’t figure out how to turn the sad memory back into a happy one she activates the memory dump to try to send it away. Sadness does not want Joy to throw the memory away, so she struggles with her to get it back. In the struggle, Sadness and Joy are swept up in the tube and taken away to Riley’s long term memory. When Sadness and Joy are gone it leaves Anger, Disgust, and Fear in charge of the controls. Without Joy at headquarters Riley cannot be happy. Riley can only snap back at her parents and have an attitude.

Riley’s dad comes up to her room to try and cheer her up, but she turns away to face the wall. When Riley does this it destroys Goofball Island. Goofball Island was the quickest way for Sadness and Joy to get back to headquarters. With it being destroyed they have to take the long way, through long term memory. While on their long journey back to headquarters they encounter lost memories of Riley’s childhood. They meet Riley’s imaginary friend, a pink elephant named Bing Bong. Bing Bong helps lead Joy and Sadness back to headquarters. Bing Bong tells them it will be quicker to take a shortcut and get on a train, but Sadness warns them that they should not go through there.

Riley, who loves hockey, gets a tryout for an all-star hockey team, but since Joy is not there she cannot play to her best ability. Riley then gets very discouraged and walks off the rink. When Riley does this it destroys Hockey Island. When Riley gets home she video chats her best friend Meg. Meg is with another friend. Riley then gets really angry and slams the computer shut. Friendship Island is destroyed. Without Joy being in Riley’s mind she can’t function normally and her islands are destroyed. Joy and Sadness finally return and only Sadness can save Riley from running away. Sadness takes Joy’s hand and together they make a new, happy and sad memory.

Everything returns back to normal and Riley is Riley again.

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