Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children | Teen Ink

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

December 15, 2016
By Anonymous

Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children is a fantasical story that blends natural and supernatural in a wonderfully written story.

The story starts when Jacob finds his grandfather dead, his eyes missing. His grandfather has told him stories about the monsters that he fled from in his youth, and also about the children's home he lived in - Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children.

According to Jacob's grandfather's stories, there was a girl who could float, two superhuman-strong children, an invisible boy, and many others, all with unique powers.

Jacob doesn't really believe these stories, but he decides to go to the island where the chilren's home is. But once he gets there, he only finds a bombed-out structure. The home was bombed in World War II.

One day, while exploring the children's home, Jacob finds out something very surprising: His grandfather's stories were true, and there really were peculiar children. He also finds out that they are still alive, living in 1940, on the day the bomb hit the home. They're in an endless time loop, created by Miss Peregrine, a woman who can modify time. And change into a peregrine falcon.

But safety is an illusion. They are not safe. And Jacob and the other peculiar children are in grave danger because of monsters called Hollows, who like to kill peculiars.

When Miss Peregrine is in grave danger, Jacob and the others set out on a daring rescue mission involving a submirine and the aid of peculiar powers.

The final battle with the Hollows is really cool, and you can totally tell Tim Burton directed the movie. It's delightfully creepy, intense, funny, suspensful, and romantic. Plus, there are strong female characters in it.

This movie is a must-see for any Tim Burton fan, or any fan of the Harry Potter movies/books. Also if you like supernatural stuff. It's a must-see for everyone.

I would not reccomend it for younger kids, though. It is rated PG-13, and there are some intense/creepy moments. (i.e., people eating eyeballs)

If you're an older kid though, I highly reccomend watching this movie. IT'S AWESOME!

The author's comments:

I really liked this movie, and I love magic and supernatural stuff, so I wanted to write a review telling other teens about this awesome movie. :)

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