High School Musical | Teen Ink

High School Musical

January 13, 2017
By Rmoney BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
Rmoney BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

How do you make a love story better? Add music!

A heartwarming story of a popular jock and a nerdy girl who fall for each other; Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez. They meet at a ski resort when they are both picked at random to sing karaoke; the song is “The Start of Something New”; which couldn’t be truer. After that night, they think they are never going to see each other again until Gabriella moves to a new town and enrolls into the same high school as Troy. They soon figure out that they come from very different cliques. My favorite song, “Stick to the Status Que”, explains it all. Their love to sing prevails through all of the obstacles and they perform a song that symbolizes their friendship “Breaking Free”. The movie ends with a pop sing along of “We’re all in this Together” where all of the cliques sing together as one without boundaries.

I think this movie is a great representation of school cliques and how they shouldn’t determine who a person can hang out with. There is an outstanding cast that includes: Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashlee Tisdale and more. Kenny Ortega is an amazing director and created a movie that all ages can enjoy. All of the songs are catchy and will make you want to sing along. I recommend this to anyone who loves a classic, cliché love story.


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