Review of Heathers | Teen Ink

Review of Heathers

November 28, 2017
By HELENDEGENERES GOLD, Forest Hills, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lunchtime poll: You're in a room with your best friend (slash worst enemy), an annoying jock, and his best friend, another annoying jock that started rumors that he and his buddy had the time of your life together, the three of you, last night. You have a gun, but only two bullets. What do you do? If you were Veronica Sawyer, you’d have the plot of Heathers.

Heathers (1988), directed by Michael Lehmann, was and still is a massive success, even over two decades after its release. Heathers features a high school junior, Veronica Sawyer, who is unhappy with her popular life in the clique of the Heathers when she meets the dark Jason Dean. The cult classic black comedy is everything you'd ever expect in your typical all-American high school movie: fashion, football, falling in love, and murder. With zingy one-liners and memorable characters, it's no wonder it's kept its relevantly throughout the generations. This is even further proven by the 2013 musical of the same name, where heartfelt vocals and beats accompany the bizarrely addictive plot.

The casting was magnificently done, featuring everyone from big name stars at the time (and even today) as well as up and coming celebrities that got their big break thanks to the iconic film. The main character Veronica is played by a young Winona Ryder, who had just finished filming in the movie Beetlejuice. Veronica’s love interest, and the movie’s antagonist, JD, is played by Christian Slater. Slater’s acting is spot on, spinning the innocent child actor into a murderous heartthrob in a matter of scenes. The trio of Heathers—Chandler, Duke, and McNamara—were beautifully cast as their actresses that got them just right… respectively with their brattiness, pathetically intense thirst for popularity, and dumbed down good intentions. The Heathers came to life, and though you've only seen them for a few scenes all together, you immediately know the social rankings and places of all three of them, and how they fit in together like cheap puzzle pieces.

Throughout the movie, the cinematography never fails to impress. Angles and lighting are used to represent moods, secrets, and hide goofs in a clever and original way. The use of visual puns, spinning, focusing and unfocusing on certain people to show importance is a memorable way to pave the road for films to come afterwards. The use of dreams and nightmares and their hellish hues of bright blood red and murky blues make the terror reel up inside you, and your heart claw out of your ribcage moments before you choke on your own laughter.

The moment you see the thrilling conclusion, you'd better be ready to cock your gun and block some Instagrams; it's time for the final question. Does being best friends forever apply to the afterlife?


Heathers is "Rated R: for violence, pervasive language, disturbing behavior, alcohol and drug use - all involving teens." - IMBD

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This article has 1 comment.

m1na GOLD said...
on Dec. 26 2017 at 6:56 pm
m1na GOLD, Olympia, Washington
12 articles 0 photos 91 comments
This is a really well-written review, Heathers is one of my favorite movies!