Train To Busan | Teen Ink

Train To Busan

May 17, 2018
By Anonymous

"Train to Busan". The movie that can break any zombie heart.

Get your tissues ready for an intense, thrilling yet emotional zombie movie. Yes, I said emotional. Who would have thought that a zombie movie where they bite people and have blood would have any sort of emotion...Well, have you seen The Walking Dead? There is death and sadness around every corner. The story is about to begin so being prepared for the things that are about to happen. Well, umm maybe this will be interesting. I mean, I hope so with all my sarcasm involved.

This film opens with a useless scene of a man hitting a deer which spoiler is a zombie deer. Who knew it affected Bambi like that? Seok-woo is a fund manager who isn't the best at being a dad. He prioritizes his job over his daughter which is pretty cliché in some Korean dramas or movies. Su-an is his daughter who just wants to go back home to her mom in Busan. You can really tell how much she despises her dad because he is never there for her. Seok-woo is determined to get her a gift for her birthday which he has gotten her on 2 other occasions. We see this rocky relationship develop as she is granted her wish of going to see her mom in Busan. Here we have a setting change of DUN DUN DUN....a train. Who would have known? Out of nowhere a woman is seen running onto the train while clutching onto her vein infested leg. The next few scenes are for introducing the other main characters. The classic pregnant woman with her over protective husband, Seong-Kyeong and Sang-Hwa. They are surely a couple you would fall in love with due to their witty comments and adorableness. The relatable high schoolers, Jin-hee and Yong-guk, who are in a love-hate relationship. If you are used to these sorts of dramas, then you typically see a girl who likes a guy but they guy is cold toward her until boom he realizes something especially when put in a zombie apocalypse. A pair of older woman who are sisters are subtle characters within the movie but that doesn't stop us from loving them. The struggles of zombies encased on a train really express how to stick together and care for others around you in any situation. If you thought you would love every character in this movie well, you were wrong. Every movie must have a bad guy and sometimes it's the ones you least expect. Yon-Suk is the character to watch out for, but I won't tell you why. Just watch and you'll find out. 

The young actress, Kim Su-an, who plays as the daughter of Seok-woo did an outstanding job with the way she portrayed the character. She expresses emotions with a way to make your heart strings pull. Gong Yoo plays the father who abandons his daughter until put in the situation where he could lose her. He portrays the father perfectly by really playing into the selfishness of his character.  The role of a homeless man who snuck on board is played by Choi Gwi-hwa, I wish he would have portrayed him a bit better than he did at first. Overall, the entire cast did an amazing job at really digging into their characters.

In one scene, they are seen stuck at a train station awaiting the help of the army and it's unknown to them if they are even there to help. In typical zombie movies, the zombies are slow and walk with a limp. Well, in this movie you'll see the running and contortions of the limbs almost as if they were made of jelly. It shows how the zombies are truly different than some we have seen before in other movies. By the end of the movie, emotions are all around and pulling on the heart strings. If you have a heart, you will feel it break. I won't give too much detail but expect to be holding some tissues because it's about to get real depressing like more depressing than me. I cried like a baby after the film had ended. 

What I take from this movie is to not be selfish and to help out others when the situation gets difficult. The father and daughter end up realizing that they aren't all that different and that they truly love each other. The evil guy I referenced earlier is just a momma's boy like come on you can't just give me this evil guy and have him be sad about his mom, but I still hate him.... There's no going back.

People of all ages would enjoy this film although I do suggest that younger viewers watch with an adult. This film does an amazing job at making the subtitles easy to read since this is a Korean film. They don't draw you away from the emotion on the screen, it draws you in. Overall, it's an absolutely beautiful film filled with action and emotion. I recommended it to every human being and every zombie around... hahaha.


Rating 5 Zombie Bites out of 5 Zombie Bites!

The author's comments:

Ashlynn is a junior in High School. On her free time, she enjoys writing, singing, dancing, and reading. She loves to listen to Korean music as well as watch movies or TV shows from Korea because they tend to have more interesting themes or messages.

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