Astroworld review | Teen Ink

Astroworld review

February 26, 2024
By iceberg11 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
iceberg11 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The first time I listened to “Astroworld” was 2022 and I was amazed by how excellent this album was. This album came out in 2018 back when I wasn't really into music then. I’m sure that everyone has heard Sicko Mode at least once, But the whole album is filled with hidden gems when it comes to music. The album I'm reviewing is “Astroworld” by Travis Scott and I have a lot of things to say about this album. It is one of my favorite albums of all time. With this album comes so many great things which I’ll get into later. I’ll be getting into the album's production, my favorite songs, and finally the good and bad things about “Astroworld”. 

First is the production of “Astroworld”. The production was done mostly by Mike Dean. Every song had its unique beat and a bunch of added things that fit in all of the songs. As I already mentioned this album came out in 2018 and Travis Scott must be proud of this album. Astrowolrd racked up 5.92 billion streams on Spotify which is quite a hefty amount. One song I want to go into more depth on the production aspect is “Stop Trying To Be God” With features from Kid Cudi and Stevie Wonder. This track is one that so many people didn't like when it first came out, but that's a different story with me. This track caught my attention on my first listen with its beautiful angelic effect and harmony. Once Travis gets ready to start he is normally a rapper. On this track, Travis went into his singing side which he rarely does and it was nice to hear. Pair that with background vocals from Kid Cudi and a Harmonica solo from Stevie Wonder toward the song's end. 

Next, are my 2 favorite songs from “Astroworld”, Those songs are Carousel and Astrothunder. The first is “Carousel”, This song surprised me on my first listen. “Carousel” did have a feature in that being frank ocean. He sings the chorus and it's unique, Travis hasn't collaborated with him before but it was quite good. Also, the production of this song is amazing. Same with this next song I'm going to talk about. My next favorite song is “Astrothunder”. It's not a fast-paced song from Travis, on this track it is more slow-paced but just listen to what he is saying in the track. Travis doesn't do fast-paced hype songs all the time. He has those slow melody tracks which in my opinion are some of his best work 

Finally, here is the whole review of the album and I gotta say this album is an absolute masterclass of an album. First, I’ll talk about the good things. “Astroworld” is filled with so many great things like all of the featured artists on the album. They all did amazing things in their songs, Also the production of this album is one of the greatest I've listened to. Every song was unique to Travis and fit the album perfectly, now on to the bad things from this album. On my first listen I didn't notice that much was bad about it but when I listened to NC-17 for a second time I was surprised at how mediocre the song is. It goes downhill when 21 Savage comes in. He doesn't fit in, and his voice doesn't sound good on this beat. It also sounds like he is offbeat, that could be on purpose but It was not a good addition. Besides that one song, I would rate “Astroworld” at least 9.5 out of 10—a very good album in my opinion.

When it comes to producing a good album Travis Scott does it best And this could be one of the best albums ever released. I can't stop talking about the production of this album and I recommend everyone to go listen to “Astroworld”. Even if you're not into rap or this style of music I still think it would be a good listen to this music masterpiece that Travis has created for us.  I think that “Atsroworld” will go down as one of the best rap albums from the 2010s and possibly of all time.

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