A Beautiful Exchange by Hillsong Live | Teen Ink

A Beautiful Exchange by Hillsong Live

May 23, 2011
By kbrady123 BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
kbrady123 BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hillsong has been one of the world's leading Christian and Inspirational groups for years, and for good reason. This album is just a small testimony to the impact that Hillsong can achieve through their music. The mix of lively rock songs laced with catchy beats and slow acoustic melodies creates a well-rounded worship album that is easy to listen to again and again. But even greater than the melodies is the Christ filled message. Songs like Beautiful Exchange and Forever Reign are so inspiring during worship! I feel called to pray or read Scripture after listening to this album! One of the things that made this album so great is the amount of people that it can affect! Hillsong travels around the world to hundreds of different countries every year spreading God's word through their music to those in desperate need of the Gospel. This is an example of music having the potential to become more than a hobby, when its message can ignite a desire for life change by telling people about Jesus.

The author's comments:
This is one of my all-time favorite worship albums! Hillsong is so inspirational and effective in sharing the love of our Savior Jesus Christ!

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 23 2011 at 9:41 am
gummyplops BRONZE, Calamba, Pennsylvania
1 article 8 photos 5 comments
Hillsong is so successful is proclaiming God's word to people all over the world. They gave 'praising' a new name. Because of their music, even the teenagers are caught in such act that they'll be active. Hillsong, also, made an impact on the music industry since they are continiously making new songs about our Christian faith regardless of the contradictions that may come and go.