Delicate Sound Of Thunder | Teen Ink

Delicate Sound Of Thunder MAG

By Anonymous

   "Delicate Sound of Thunder" is a two-record set of concert recordings from Pink Floyd's 1987-88 world tour. Sadly, most of the songs are watered-down versions of earlier hits. Throughout the album, David Gilmour sings as if he does not understand the lyrics.

The album is overproduced to the point that the music becomes computerized. The synthesizers sound overbearing, especially on songs like "Shine on You Crazy Diamond." The only song that is given any human touch is "Us and Them," one of the most beautiful ballads ever written.

Pink Floyd is one of the few bands that can incorporate many styles of music into their songs, yet maintain a distinctive sound of their own. Unfortunately, their latest album shows none of this. "Delicate Sound of Thunder" is an unusual letdown for such a legendary group. n

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i love this so much!